Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia Master program SIBERIAN REGION IN RUSSIA AND IN THE WORLD
Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia Taking this course will make you know: General and specific features of the development of Russian regions in their social and political projections; The main factors which form social and political views of the national elite of Russian regions.
Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia Taking this course will make you able to: Correlate the impact of regional / ethnic specificity and global factors in the analysis of social and political views of the leaders of Russian regions; Analyze the impact of social and political ideas of the regional elites in the formation of regional identity.
Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia THE STRUCTURE OF THE COURSE There are 3 section Practical part: case analysis Russian regions: in the mirror of political discourse
Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia What Russian regions will you study? 1. Far East 2. Siberia 3. Volga region 4.Caucasus 5. Kaliningrad – case 6.Russian North 7. Moscow & St. Petersburg
Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia How will you study the regions? The 1 st step: you’ll study geography, economics, society and culture of the region in general; The 2 nd step: you’ll study the political discourse of the region (by researching regional mass media, websites, blogs etc.)
Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia THE MAIN IDEA of the course to prove that there’s NOT ONLY ONE politic leader in Russia – just have a look on Russian regions!
Social and political thought of the peoples of Russia About the lecture Irina Popravko, PhD Assistant of Professor of Chair of Native History, Historical Faculty Research assistant