Computer Health & Ergonomics Keyboarding Ms. S. Romer
Objectives Explain what repetitive strain injury is and what causes it Describe methods of preventing repetitive strain injury Say what computer vision syndrome is and what causes it List methods of preventing computer vision syndrome List methods of preventing lower back pain Explain what ergonomics is and how it helps to eliminate or reduce computer-related disorders
Introduction Computers are a hugely important part of human work. Banks and manufacturing companies rely on data gathering and analysis to give them a competitive edge. It calls for long, intensive hours of concentrated and repetitive work on the computer. Unfortunately, after a few years, a worker can suffer from a range of health problems known as computer work-related disorders. These include repetitive strain injury, computer vision syndrome and lower back syndrome.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) There are two key types of repetitive strain injury. Tendonitis – is where a tendon is inflamed, caused by some repeated motion or stress on that tendon. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) – is an inflammation of the nerve that connects your forearm to the palm of your hand. Repeated or forced bending of the wrist can cause both types of repetitive strain injury.
Cont'd Symptoms of tendonitis and CTS of the wrist includes: Tendonitis CTS Extreme pain that extends from the forearm to the hand Burning pains when the nerve is compressed Tingling in the fingers Numbness and tingling in the thumb and first two fingers
Factors that results in RSI Repetition: long or concentrated hours of keying or mousing, especially if under pressure to key quickly Posture: long hours of sitting in the same position while keying or mousing – especially if this is in an uncomfortable or poorly supported position or if the wrists are excessively bent Lack of rest: intensive hours at the keyboard with few breaks, especially if the task has little variety or if the operator does not take a rest when needed
Methods of Preventing RSI Take frequent breaks during any long computer session to exercise your hands and arms Place a wrist rest between the keyboard and the edge of your desk to prevent injury due to typing Place the mouse at least six inches in from the edge of the desk to prevent injury while using the mouse. Type on the computer keyboard as you would play the piano; lifting fingers up and down rather than your wrists Position the mouse at the same height as your keyboard.
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Computer vision syndrome (CVS) may cause any of the following conditions: Sore, tired, burning, itching or dry eyes Blurred or double vision Headache or sore neck Increased sensitivity to light Difficulty focusing on the screen image 'Colour fringes' or 'after images' when you look away from the monitor Difficulty shifting focus between monitor and documents
Methods of preventing CVS Take a break of 5-10 minutes away from the computer every hour Reduce glare and reflections from the computer screen – clean your screen and block out excessive sunlight and reflections from lamps Adjust the contrast and brightness of the computer screen so that there is a high contrast between text on the screen and the screen background Gently massage your eyes, cheeks, forehead, neck and upper back from time to time to keep blood flowing and muscles loose
Lower Back Pain Lower back pain can be caused by bad posture or poorly designed or incorrectly assembled furniture or equipment. Use a firm, adjustable and comfortable chair. Adjust the chair height so that your thighs are horizontal, your feet are flat on the floor and the backs of your knees are slightly higher than the seat of your chair. The back of the chair should support your lower back. Stretch your lower back now and then by standing up and pulling each knee to your chest, holding that position for a few seconds. Relax your shoulders. Upper arm and forearm should form a right angle, with your wrist and hand in roughly a straight line. Take short breaks and walk around
Methods of Preventing RSI Take frequent breaks during any long computer session to exercise your hands and arms Place a wrist rest between the keyboard and the edge of your desk to prevent injury due to typing Place the mouse at least six inches in from the edge of the desk to prevent injury while using the mouse. Type on the computer keyboard as you would play the piano; lifting fingers up and down rather than your wrists Position the mouse at the same height as your keyboard.
Ergonomics Ergonomics – a science that makes extensive use of mathematics, physics and biomechanics to determine the best working conditions for humans who work with machines. Manufacturers can incorporate features for comfort, efficiency and safety into computer furniture and equipment. Ergonomically designed furniture and equipment helps to reduce the risk of injuries as it reduces the strain on several parts of the body.
Assignments Quiz: September 23, 2014 Homework: Due September 18th, 2014 Create an ergonomics plan for your new office. What kind of ergonomic equipment would you put into your new office. Include at least 5 equipment along with a description of each (can include pictures). Must be typed, 12 pt Cambria or Calibri and double spaced.