J OB M ARKETS & A PPLYING FOR J OBS Unit 3: Marketing Myself
O PEN J OB M ARKET (OJM) Job vacancies that advertised in public forums. Internet Job Banks i.e. Job Bank, Monster.ca, Workopolis Newspapers Professional Magazines 15% of all available jobs are found in the OJM.
H OW DO J OBS G ET FILLED IN OJM ? 1. Employer advertises a job vacancy 2. Interested applicants send in applications and/or resumes 3. Employer contacts a few applicants to come in for an interview 4. A successful applicant is hired *Applicants sometimes have to go through numerous interviews to secure a job*
H IDDEN JOB MARKET (HJM) Job vacancies that become available but don’t get widely published Why does this happen? Someone quits unannounced and the position needs to be filled immediately Company lands a new client and must hire quickly. Rather than paying for ad space they hire through word of mouth A company already has an individual in mind for a vacant position 75% of all available jobs are found in the HJM
H OW D O J OBS G ET FILLED IN H JM ? 1. Job vacancy emerges 2. Employer may or may not advertise in the OJM. “Advertising” in the form of word of mouth is likely to occur. Ex: calling a friend to say, “A spot recently opened up on the graphics team. Send me your resume and I’ll pass it along. 3. Employers interview and subsequently hire people who have been recommended to them. *People hear about jobs through “word of mouth” and apply before the vacancy is advertised in the OJM.*
H OW TO ACCESS THE HJM NETWORK! Volunteer Find a mentor Talk to family/friends, neighbours Join a professional social networking site: LinkedIn When trying to access the HJM its not always what you know, but who you know.. Unfair, but sometimes true (Inside the HJM)
H INTS FOR N ETWORKING … Make a list of all the people to whom you can talk about a job. Make the best use of your network by giving people an easy way to help you. Rather than saying: “I am looking for a job. Do you know of any jobs?”, ask for their tips, leads and suggestions. Try to prepare a brief statement about what you’re looking for and the kind of help you’d like to get. Be careful how you may be perceived based on your social media interaction/ involvement (i.e. facebook, twitter, etc.).
T HE JOB MARKET FOR YOU ! At this stage in your life part-time work is the name of the game. Most ‘youth oriented’ part-time work requires you to complete an application. Example: 10&pageId=55352
W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT APPLICATIONS Follow the instructions! Making “lazy” mistakes can cost you the job Write your answers down on a separate sheet of paper first. Always use a pen with blue or black ink. Never leave a blank space Use “N/A” (not applicable) to answer questions that do not apply to you. Use your full name Be neat!
W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT APPLICATIONS Make sure you include the “must haves”: S.I.N (Social Insurance Number) Health Card Number References (name, position, company, address, phone) Work Availability Doctor’s Contact Info Emergency Contact
Y OUR OWN JOB APPLICATION Select a company to apply for a part-time position: Reitman’s Fashion Group Wal-Mart Tim Horton’s Complete the job application in full DUE: ___________________________
S AMPLE J OB A PPLICATION creamery-printable-application.pdf printable-application.pdf printable-application.pdf