INTERIM ANALYSIS OF SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE 1 st May responses since 10 th April 2006 ACADEMICS 162 GRADUATES 49 EMPLOYERS 7 All member states apart from Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia
3. Please rate the following competences/learning outcomes in terms of importance for medical graduates and for the practice of medicine in Europe immediately after graduation. NIQIVIEAve Abililty to carry out a consultation with a patient (history, examination...) Ability to provide immediate care of medical emergencies including First Aid and resuscitation Ability to apply ethical and legal principles in medical practice Ability to assess clinical presentations order investigations make differential diagnoses and negotiate a management plan Ability to communicate effectively in a medical context Ability to carry out practical procedures (e.g. venepuncture) Ability to assess psychological and social aspects of a patient's illness Ability to apply the principles skills and knowledge of evidence-based medicine Ability to prescribe drugs Ability to apply scientific principles method and knowledge to medical practice and research Ability to use information and information techology effectively in a medical context Ability to work effectively in a health care system and engage with population health issues
DISCUSSION Review of interim analysis of responses to date - issues around quality control of responses, achieving balanced population of respondents - good construct validity, consistency of responses Strategies for enhancing response rate - ? A published league table of countries - ? A database of who has responded, accessible via MEDINE website - various useful contact ideas – patients, students - circulate url to all MEDINE members Analysis methodology - ? medians; ? majority vote - many interesting comparisons and correlations Strategies for reaching consensus - ? include everything, but with levels – “must” and “should” - omit very low ranked items – criterion-based - depends on use to which document will ultimately be put Collaboration with other groups – “parent” Tuning Project; discipline-based or country-based working groups Opportunities for further work - little enthusiasm for “Bachelor of Medicine” - appraisal by national professional bodies and regulating agencies - develop linked database of learning and assessment tools as “best practice” Future meetings – probably October/November to review final analysis