How to download and PRINT your Moving ON Audits Monthly Audit and Indicator reports (click on the ▼button on your computer to continue this presentation)
Did you know? You do not have to wait until MOA your reports for each month. You can login to the MOA website and download your reports straight after you enter your data. However, to get the complete report with benchmarks, you need to wait until after the 15 th of the following month, when data for all members has been entered.
Download the reports Note-you can only do this if you have the appropriate authority from your manager, and your service’s password. The reports can be downloaded by: –Going to My MOA once you are logged in –Select Reports –Select the service/unit you wish to download the report for –Select the appropriate month (eg March 2007) –Select either the reports that you want to download and print –Click on Print Preview –The document will then download from the web for printing
Select Reports
Select the service/unit
Select the month package
Select the appropriate report
Report Types IRT QI Report Displays data collected for the monthly clinical indicators, compared to an IRT benchmark, and a service type benchmark (if available). Quarterly clinical and management indicators also appear at the end of this report when they are collected. IRT Trending Report Displays indicator data collected over time on a graph. Return Rate Report Used to check that all audits and indicator data collection sheets have been completed. This does not have to be printed but can be viewed on-line. IRT Audit Report Displays audit results for each question in each audit completed for the month. Also provides comparison to various benchmark groups, including IRT benchmarks and service type benchmarks.
IRT QI Report example What your service entered for that indicator for the month/quarter is the blue line The yellow line is the median (the middle of all data collected) for members with a similar service to you. The orange line represents the media for all IRT services in this group (ie low care in this example)
IRT Trending Report example Note: Trending reports will take longer to download as they are a larger file. The data entered for that month-the blue line The green line- the median or middle of the data for that type of service The red line-the upper limit-data over the red line indicates something different from like services.
Return rate report example Useful for managers with multiple units on site to ensure 100% is being completed. Also useful to pinpoint what was not completed if a sheet is missed.
IRT Audit Report example Red line-your service’s response White line- average response score for this question for your service type. Grey line- average response score for this question for IRT members in your group
Downloading report for printing Print Preview-click here
The report is now ready for printing Document for printing appears in a new window. Print from here using the printer icon on the left side of the tool bar. You can also save a copy of the report.
Saving a document Click on the file button to save
Hints Don’t try and print the documents without selecting Print Preview-they will not print on the page properly. Give the system a few moments to download the file from the web after you press Print Preview-it should not take any longer than 2 minutes. The larger the file, the longer the download time. This is not a system fault, you just need to be patient as these are quite large files.
Interpreting reports See the powerpoint presentation on analysis for action to learn how to use the reports to improve what you do at your service. Information on what the median is, and intepreting reports can be found in Section Two of the manual.
Problems with accessing or printing your reports? Contact MOA during business hours on: | Phone:
Lets check what knowledge you have gained … When are reports ready for downloading? How do I download reports ready for printing? What are the different report types I can access? Why do I need to select print preview to download the report before I print it? Can I save the package onto my computer? Who can I call if I get stuck?
Good luck You can do it!