Reading Semester Exam Review Fall 2015
Reminders: Pay Attention to Titles-What is the purpose of doing this? Read Introductions-What is the purpose of doing this? Visualize and Annotate- You must have a “mental movie” in your head of what is being read. Annotate, or jot down notes, ideas, connections, thoughts/opinions, etc. of what you are reading. Do this with all types of literature, even poetry.
REMINDERS: Pay attention to feelings and moments of realization as you read. Use the DICTIONARY- Use it for every word you are not 100% sure about. If you would not feel confident enough saying the definition on live television, then look it up! You have plenty of time!
Reminders: Do NOT replace a word you are asked to define with another word choice. They all will make sense, but only one is correct! For Example…
Example: The boys had a petty argument over who was the fastest in track. In this line, what does the word petty mean? A.) heated B.) insignificant C.) intense D.) silly
Definition Reminders: For questions that provide you with multiple definitions, look at each definition individually. Replace/plug in the word with the definition. Does it make sense? For Example…
Example LINEAR (n): 1.) Arranged in or extending along a straight line. 2.) Consisting of lines or outlines 3.) Involving one dimension only 4.) Progressing from one stage to another in a series of steps. The directions were very linear and easy to follow. “Which entry gives the definition for the line above?”
Definitions Reminders: Look up the correct word! Be sure of the spelling! Be aware of the form of the word you are defining: For example: “wavered.” What would I be defining/looking up? Write the definition you have looked up IN YOUR BOOKLET.
Question Scenarios: “In paragraph 7, what prompts Billy to be angry with Sally?” What’s important here? Do you know what “Prompts” means? “Which of the following statements most likely helps the reader understand the theme?” What’s important here? Also, “most likely” questions mean all answer choices make sense, but one is the best.
Question Scenarios: “Which of the following lines best demonstrates the authors mood?” You must look at each answer choice and the line by itself! Not the part of the passage it was referring to as a whole. The line only!
Drama Reminders You must visualize! You must read and imagine all stage directions! Read and understand all character descriptions. Pay attention to hints at feelings! For example, does a smile always mean happy? What else could it mean?
Poetry Pay attention to the Title. Read the first time through for entertainment. Second reading- read for MEANING. Be on the lookout for CLUES that will help you understand the poem, especially WORDS or PHRASES that suggest emotion or feeling. Those words will help you understand the poem’s MOOD- (The way the reader feels).
Poetry Third reading- pay attention to the STRUCTURE. Look for RHYME, WORD POSITION, LINE LENGTH, and CAPITAL LETTERS. Fourth reading- put all the pieces together and read the poem for ENJOYMENT. The Poem should make more sense to you now.
Types of Literature Review: Folktale- A story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth. Biography-an account of someone's life written by someone else. Short Story-a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. Historical Fiction- A fictional book based on historical facts with fictional components.
Types of Passages: Narrative-a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious Persuasive-a type of writing meant to convince the reader to agree with their point of view. Expository- a type of writing that explains something Comparative-A type of writing that compares two topics