Contents Contents Dragonflies’ life1 Dragonflies’ picture2 What do dragonflies eat3 Dragonflies’ structure4 Dragonflies’ picture5 Where do dragonflies live6 My impression7
A dragonfly life begins under water, after the mother lays her eggs, drops them into water or inserts them into a plant or sand near water. The egg hatches into a larva after 10 days. Dragonflies ’ larvae live underwater for several years, up to 5 years in some species. They eat other aquatic insects, tadpoles and even small fish to survive. They shed their outer skin as they grow. P.1
Dragonflies’Life Picture
Mosquitoes, midges and other small insects, such as flies, bees, butterflies and so on.
Dragonflies’ Structure
Where do dragonflies live Many dragonflies live in a pond. When you go to a pond, you can see many dragonflies. P.6 P.6
My Impression I like dragonflies very much. So, I choose to study dragonflies in this project. I work hard on this homework. I think you will like it.
The end Say [ Goodbye ] to Miss Dragonfly.