Salla Mönkkönen and Juho Kutvonen
Substantive content ◦ Aims of homework 6 ◦ Pages selected Wider perspective Methods linkaging to bigger picture
Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant Climate change policies in Thessaloniki Järvisedimenttien metallipitoisuudet (Metal concentrations of lake sediments)
Aims of homework 6 ◦ What are different parts of a page? ◦ How are the parts related to each other and to other pages? ◦ Identification of R code structure
Fuels used in Haapaniemi energy plant ◦ What are the fuels and their fractions in Haapaniemi energy plant?
Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant ◦ We learned: Using R code The page structure ◦ Conclusions made based on the material and the work: Peat is the most used fuel by Haapaniemi energy plant
Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant ◦ The page is part of URGENCHE project ◦ It is important to know in what ratio different fuels are used by Haapaniemi energy plant. ◦ The aim of Kuopio city reducing GHG emissions by 2030: increase of biomass?
Fuels used by Haapaniemi energy plant ◦ Results of URGENCHE project will be demonstrated for the year 2030 on a business-as-usual and two GHG emission reduction scenarios with emphasis on transport and buildings ◦ Development and application of a methodological framework for the assessment of the overall risks and benefits of alternative GHG emission reduction policies for health and well-being
Climate change policies in Thessaloniki ◦ What are climate change mitigation policies in Thessaloniki?
Climate change policies in Thessaloniki ◦ We learned: The answer should be an ovariable, not a data table. ◦ Conclusions made based on the material and the work: There are several ways to reduce traffic GHG emissions.
Climate change policies in Thessaloniki ◦ The page is part of URGENCHE project ◦ As the name of the page refers, the content is about reducing GHG emissions. In Thessaloniki these climate change policies concern traffic. Since traffic is one of the biggest GHG emission sources, it is important to consider how to reduce them.
Climate change policies in Thessaloniki ◦ National and EU law -> restrictions for emissions These were taken into account according to future plans. ◦ Since Thessaloniki is one of the cities in URGENCHE project, the same aims regard as in Haapaniemi case
Järvisedimenttien metallipitoisuudet (Metal concentrations of lake sediments) ◦ What is the concentration of a certain metal in lake sediment?
Järvisedimenttien metallipitoisuudet (Metal concentrations of lake sediments) ◦ We learned: Interpretation of R code: calculation steps ◦ Conclusions made based on the material and the work: Concentration of different metal vary between lakes R code can be used in calculating metal concentrations of lake sediment
Järvisedimenttien metallipitoisuudet (Metal concentrations of lake sediments) ◦ The page is part of MINERA project ◦ Mine industry produces metal emissions which eventually end up in lake sediment -> effects to aquatic ecosystem
Järvisedimenttien metallipitoisuudet (Metal concentrations of lake sediments) Total model of risk assessment in mine areas Ecological and environmental risk assessments Human exposure Ecological and health effects
Any questions?