Unit #5 Quiz #1 Grade: «grade» Subject: Aquatic Science Date: «date»
1Echinoderms have which type of skeleton: A endoskeleton B exoskeleton C hydrostatic skeleton D axial skeleton
2Tube feet found within an echinoderm are responsible for all of the following EXCEPT: A Absorbing dissolved oxygen B Locomotion C Digestion D Feeding
3All of the following can be found within the arm of a starfish EXCEPT: A the ambulacral groove B the ring canal C the radial canal D the tube feet
4Echinoderms can reproduce in all of the following ways EXCEPT: A Hermaphroditic reproduction B Asexual reproduction C Sexual reproduction D Regeneration
5The animal in the following picture represents ____________. A asymmetry B radial symmetry C bilateral symmetry D hexamerism
6The animal in the following pictures represents _________. A asymmetry B radial symmetry C bilateral symmetry D hexamerism
7The animal in the following pictures represents ___________. A asymmetry B radial symmetry C bilateral symmetry D hexamerism
8Sea stars have ocelli: A located at the very center of the organism on the dorsal side B located at the terminal end of each arm C located at the very center of the organism on the ventral side D located at the temrinal end of the largest & most dominant arm
9Sea stars will flex their arms in opposing directions during the process of righting themselves if they get flipped upside down. This ability to sense being upside-down suggests they have: A Chemoreceptors B Statocysts C Photoreceptors D Thigmoreceptors
10All of the following have an endoskeleton EXCEPT: A Sea star B Sea cucumber C Porifera D Brittle star
11You reach into a tank and poke a brittle star fish. It responds by quickly moving under a nearby rock and curling into a ball. The brittle star responded to your touch because of which of the following receptors: A Photoreceptor B Chemoreceptor C Statocyst D Thigmoreceptor
12Brittle stars and sea stars differ in their modes of movement in that: A Brittle stars use hydraulics within their tube feet to suction onto a surface and hold there for a long period of time, while sea stars drag themselves across a surface with tube feet that resemble spines B Sea stars use hydraulics within their tube feet to suction onto a surface and hold there for along period of time, while brittle stars drag themselves across a surface with tube feet that resemble spines C Brittle stars use their tube feet to slide across a surface similar to the motion of a hover craft D Sea stars can push water out of their mouth to lift themselves off of a surface and push themselves onto another, whereas s brittle star must climb up the same object
13You reach your arm into a tank containing a sea urchin & move your hand close to the animal. While your hand is several inches away from the urchin, it begins to wave its spines erratically. The urchin detected the your presence via: A Chemreceptor B Thigmoreceptor C Statocyst D Photoreceptor
14Which of the following echinoderms have primitive gills: A Sea Urchin B Sea Star C Sand Dollar D Sea Cucumber
15Which of the following must be included is a sea star fragment for an entire organism to regenerate: A A majority of the arms B A majority of the water vascular system C A fragment of the central disc D A fragment of the stomach