Klein Forest High School Information & Course Registration for
Agenda Course Selection Meeting & PowerPoint Presentation – TODAY! Graduation Requirements/Graduation Plans Course Selection Process –Choose 10 th /11 th /12 th grade Classes 4 year plan Review this PowerPoint online at the KFHS website>Counseling>Course Registration – ANYTIME!
CREDITS State Credits – count toward graduation (26 state credits needed to graduate; 1 FY course = 1 credit) Local Credits – do not count toward graduation (office aide, student leadership) DENIED CREDIT – student does not earn credit due to excessive absences, even if passing grade in course)
Classification Policy – Klein ISD Students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, or seniors according to the number of years they have been in school and the number of credits they have earned. Freshman ~ 0 – 5.5 credits Sophomore ~ 6.0 – 10.5 credits Junior ~ 11 – 16.5 credits Senior ~ 17 + credits YEARS IN SCHOOL + CREDITS EARNED = CLASSIFICATION
Transcripts A Transcript is the official record showing HS courses you have earned credit for while in middle school and high school. The Registrar is the only person who can issue or change a transcript.
CLASS RANK and GPA GPA (Grade Point Average) ~ Grade points are awarded in each course and will be used to calculate your GPA GPA determines your class rank Class Rank ~ once grade points have been assigned and averaged, students are ranked from highest to lowest Colleges consider GPA and Class Rank for admission decisions
CLASS RANK and GPA Students will receive a preliminary rank by the end of September of the current school year, so they can make plans and set goals for raising their GPA. Final Senior ranks are issued in Mid-February ** Remember your GPA and Class Rank start your 9 th grade year **
How Do I Earn Grade Points? Apply to semester grades only Pre-AP, AP, GT, DC, and Advanced classes receive more grade points. A high grade in any class helps your GPA more than doing poorly in a class with more GPA points. “How to Calculate your GPA” Power Point is online at KFHS website- link to Counseling> College & Career.
Graduation Requirements
Before you can GRADUATE and walk across the stage, you must: 1.Earn 26 credits 2.Pass all state required courses 3.Pass all 5 EOC/STAAR exams
High School GRADUATION PLANS The year you entered high school determines your plan ~ see KISD website for more info Cohort 2017 ~ 4 X 4 plan Cohorts 2018 and 2019 ~ HB 5 with endorsements
Plan For Your Future Whatever you do NOW determines where you go in the future – choose wisely! 4 Year University 2 Year College Military Work
January 11 th – 14 th, 2016 ~ PowerPoint Presentation/Course Selection Sheet during Social Studies class ~ Complete Course Selection Sheet/Four-Year Plan with input from parents January 11 th – 14 th, 2016 ~ Course request entry into Career Cruising January 19 th – Feb 6 th, 2016 ~ Course Selection Meeting with House Counselor for final course selection and turn in Course Selection Sheet/Four-Year Plan April/May 2016 Course verification Deadline to request Schedule Changes is June 09, 2016, by 3pm as set by the district Course Selection Process
Choosing Courses You MUST select 7 classes –4 classes must consist of core courses: English Math Science Social Studies –3 classes must consist of at least 3 of the following: Foreign Language Fine Arts PE/Athletics Technology Application Electives Other Electives You MUST ALSO select 3 Alternatives (in case your 1 st choice electives are not available
High School Credit Options Credit By Exam Initial Credit Credit By Exam for Course Recovery-$125 fee Correspondence Courses (Univ of Texas) Dual Credit (High School Credit for College Courses) - Summer School Credits – remediation & a few select courses for initial credit Off Campus PE Hmmm!!!! So Many Choices!!!!
Pre-AP/AP Classes? (Consider these guidelines) Visit the KF AP Course website: click HEREHERE Pre-AP & AP classes are challenging & demanding!! Must be self-motivated & an independent worker!!! Must be willing to spend hours out of class completing research, projects & supplemental reading Must have/acquire good study skills & time management (use a planner and keep up with long-term projects) –Pre-AP classes prepare you to take AP classes during your sophomore, junior and senior years of high school. –AP classes are college level, and they allow you to potentially earn college credit.
What classes count for Fine Arts? Band Choir Orchestra Dance Theater Arts Art Floral Design You must have 1 credit of the same fine art!
What courses count for PE or PE Waiver? P.E. Athletics ROTC ( full year waiver) Marching Band ( fall waiver) Color Guard (fall waiver) Cheer ( fall.5 credit) Dance Drill Team (full year waiver) Off-campus P.E. ( full year credit) You need 1 credit or waiver of P.E. to graduate. Your intermediate P.E. class does not count toward H.S. credit.
Foreign Language Classes Spanish French German
Career & Technical Education 15 Career Clusters Why take CTE? –Learn about jobs –Certification –Articulated credit 2 or 3 period classes require planning and an application –See KFHS website
7 Period Day No schedule changes after 3:00 p.m. June 9, 2016 Don’t overload your schedule! Consider extra curricular activities when selecting classes Schedule change deadlines will be followed!
Career Cruising
Log on NOW!!! Go to: LOGIN by entering your username and password. Instructions are on the login page. Your username is KISD-###### (student ID number) and password is your birthday MMDDYYYY If you have changed your password and cannot remember it, raise your hand and your teacher will assist you
Career Cruising Write down your user name and password –Keep in a safe place –You will need this next week as we begin the course selection process for the school year If you are having issue logging on, your teacher will submit your name to the counseling office –Do NOT contact your counselor