International Polar Year in The International Council for Science (ICSU) inInternational Council for Science conjunction with the World MeteorologicalWorld Meteorological Organization (WMO) formally established anOrganization International Polar Year in , the 125th anniversary of the first polar year ( ), the 75th anniversary of the second polar year ( ), the 50th anniversary of the Third polar year and of the International Geophysical Year ( )
IPY In Russia National Committee for IPY established by Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Environment. Site: Our World Data Center for Solid Earth Physics and World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics take part in IPY Project- -Theme-Dataware for geophysical works in Arctic Site:
International Polar Year
Geomagnetic Data for Arctic
Geomagnetic Data for Antarctic
Seismological Data for Arctic (earthquake distribution)
Seismological Data for Antarctic (earthquake distribution)
Heat Flow Measurements in Arctic
List of Gravity Catalogs & Maps for Arctic and Antarctic