Status: USGODAE Data Server Final IGST Meeting, Washington, DC June James Cummings Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA Bill Bowles GODAE Project Manager
USGODAE Server Hosted in the FNMOC operational data center Hosted in the FNMOC operational data center provides 24x7 system support provides 24x7 system support Developed through FNMOC / PMEL partnership Developed through FNMOC / PMEL partnership funded by ONR since inception in 2000 funded by ONR since inception in 2000 Server hosts: Server hosts: oceanographic and atmospheric observations oceanographic and atmospheric observations atmospheric forcing fields (global / regional) atmospheric forcing fields (global / regional) demonstration ocean / atmos / wave model products demonstration ocean / atmos / wave model products Argo GDAC Argo GDAC Server users include: Server users include: GODAE participants GODAE participants IOOS community IOOS community DoD activities DoD activities university R&D groups (ocean and atmosphere) university R&D groups (ocean and atmosphere) commercial (.com) companies commercial (.com) companies
USGODAE Server Status FundingFunding ONR funds available through end of 2008 calendar yearONR funds available through end of 2008 calendar year FNMOC will continue to provide full support for all server operations and data management tasksFNMOC will continue to provide full support for all server operations and data management tasks ActivitiesActivities final phase ONR support for GODAE server included complete hardware upgradefinal phase ONR support for GODAE server included complete hardware upgrade hardware installation delayed due to extensive DoD/Navy information assurance (IA) security issueshardware installation delayed due to extensive DoD/Navy information assurance (IA) security issues more delays in recent weeks due to contract problemsmore delays in recent weeks due to contract problems machine has passed security review, contractor issues still not resolved, new hardware installation delayedmachine has passed security review, contractor issues still not resolved, new hardware installation delayed
USGODAE Hardware Upgrade 3 IBM x-346 machines (2 online, 1 for development) 3 IBM x-346 machines (2 online, 1 for development) 16 GB memory per machine 16 GB memory per machine compatible with existing FNMOC hardware suite compatible with existing FNMOC hardware suite
USGODAE Server Status Hardware crashes (old Sun boxes)Hardware crashes (old Sun boxes) Mar 2008: disk crash, lost ~3 days incoming dataMar 2008: disk crash, lost ~3 days incoming data GRADS/DODS server and LAS not operationalGRADS/DODS server and LAS not operational May 2008: lost usgodae2 and usgodae3 machinesMay 2008: lost usgodae2 and usgodae3 machines system down (to outside world) for ~4 dayssystem down (to outside world) for ~4 days external connectivity restored, usgodae1 and usgodae2 machines restored, LDM push restoredexternal connectivity restored, usgodae1 and usgodae2 machines restored, LDM push restored “Scream” test – remove it and see who complains“Scream” test – remove it and see who complains surprising large number of complaints from many diverse users during server down timesurprising large number of complaints from many diverse users during server down time Move to new IBM hardware criticalMove to new IBM hardware critical
USGODAE Server Future FNMOCFNMOC wants to continue server in post-GODAE time periodwants to continue server in post-GODAE time period sees benefit in public access to its products and datasees benefit in public access to its products and data will provide 24/7 operability and hardware supportwill provide 24/7 operability and hardware support requests letter from IGST in support of the serverrequests letter from IGST in support of the server IssuesIssues requires positive outcome on security waiver requestrequires positive outcome on security waiver request Navy wide METOC waiver – more than GODAE serverNavy wide METOC waiver – more than GODAE server decision to keep server in place expected soon (summer / fall 2008)decision to keep server in place expected soon (summer / fall 2008)
USGODAE Server Options NRLNRL host server at NRL if FNMOC fails to get security waiverhost server at NRL if FNMOC fails to get security waiver machine stays on FNMOC watch floor, but on NRL networkmachine stays on FNMOC watch floor, but on NRL network FNMOC provides hardware support and 24/7 operationsFNMOC provides hardware support and 24/7 operations NRL responsible for applications softwareNRL responsible for applications software IssuesIssues past experience has shown this arrangement has not worked well – who has root permissions, who does what?past experience has shown this arrangement has not worked well – who has root permissions, who does what? funding still needed at NRL to improve serverfunding still needed at NRL to improve server funding could be on an application-by-application basisfunding could be on an application-by-application basis
USGODAE Server Applications Applications key to future of USGODAE serverApplications key to future of USGODAE server many applications already in place:many applications already in place: THREDDS - data discovery and catalog for NVODSTHREDDS - data discovery and catalog for NVODS Local Data Manager (LDM) – large model data pushLocal Data Manager (LDM) – large model data push OPeNDAP – protocol that facilitates data access via the InternetOPeNDAP – protocol that facilitates data access via the Internet includes: GrADS/Data, aggregation, and CGI serversincludes: GrADS/Data, aggregation, and CGI servers Live Access Server (LAS) - browser for NVODS dataLive Access Server (LAS) - browser for NVODS data many new applications possible:many new applications possible: GODIVA2, Google Earth, others – including ocean obs?GODIVA2, Google Earth, others – including ocean obs? Data and product serving important GODAE legacyData and product serving important GODAE legacy USGODAE server should continue in post-GODAE periodUSGODAE server should continue in post-GODAE period unique role serving ocean obs and atmospheric forcing in real-time for assimilation research and operationsunique role serving ocean obs and atmospheric forcing in real-time for assimilation research and operations
USGODAE Server Status END