High Precision Decay Data for Medical Isotopes
Decay Data and Medical Isotopes Essential for determining: Overall dose Specific dose Imaging background Production cross section Over half were last studied >30 years ago !! 30 Years ago: 1-2 small detectors Present: detectors
Important medical isotopes requiring new measurements of decay data produced at BLIP Shipped to world’s largest -ray array Gammasphere (100 HPGe detectors) for high-precision -ray spectroscopy USNDP-BLIP Decay Data Collaboration Brookhaven Linear Isotope Producer (BLIP)
Starting point : 82 Rb for Cardiac PET D. Le Guludec et al., Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 35, 1709 (2008). R.A. Meyer et al., Phys. Rev. C 27, 2217 (1983). 2 Ge(Li) detectors
Prior Singles Preliminary Analysis Very Promising Gate on 2 + 0 + Rb-82 decay
What we learned (and where to go) Gammasphere is incredibly powerful Coincidence efficiency is AMAZING Could study several isotopes at once Could simultaneously measure decay schemes AND cross sections Imaging Cardiac Imaging Charged particle cross-section database for medical radioisotope production: diagnostic radioisotopes and monitor reactions - IAEA-TECDOC-1211
First results from “dual” experiments 100 MeV protons on natural Ni We make a lot and some isotopes have applied uses For example, Co-55 and Mn-52, both studied 1970’s Singles
Gate on 1434-keV Coincidences are essential Decay of Mn-52
One last example
Prior Gated Spectrum Preliminary Analysis of As-72 Decay Excellent statistics on known transitions Many new transitions
Summary and Outlook Initiated a successful campaign of measurements combining BLIP and Gammasphere capabilities New beta decay measurements will improve ENSDF Also possibility for cross section measurements LOTS OF DATA: Anyone interested?
Collaborators A.A. Sonzogni National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory S.V. Smith, L. Muench Brookhaven Linear Isotope Producer, Brookhaven National Laboratory C.D. Nesaraja Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory J.P. Greene, M.P. Carpenter, and S. Zhu Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory C.J. Lister, P. Chowdhury, and K. Moran Physics Department, University of Massachusetts, Lowell