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19 th century Utopian Communities in America attempted to transcend social and political division in America through experimental living arrangements, new philosophies, and Altruism.
Many utopian experimenters were transcendentalists who rejected John Locke’s theories that “knowledge comes to the mind through the senses”… they were seeking truth through alternative mindsets and actions…seeking the inner light. (American Pageant p. 348)
One of the better known erudite utopian communities was Brook Farm in Massachusetts which had an influence on the lives of transcendental thinkers like Emerson, Fuller, and Hawthorne.
Shakers were a more widespread group who practiced abstinence in their devotion to attaining deeper spiritual awakening.
New Harmony in Indiana was established by transplanted Rappites and Owenites from earlier utopian communities in Pennsylvania, achieving acclaim for their economic success. They believed in free Education and the Abolition of social class distinctions.
The Oneida Community was based on complex marriage, mutual criticism, and technological innovation.
These communities generally practiced an openness to discarding prejudices of the past, which of course subjected them to criticism from the more traditional mainstream society.
Utopian movements were Greatly misunderstood, and More mainstream society was Perhaps paranoid about their Potential impact on morality.