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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary RelationshipsExperiments GroupsMisc.

This is when an attitude change occurs- based on evidence that requires people to analyze data, examine arguments, etc.

Central Route of Persuasion

This is when an attitude change occurs, but its based on superficial evidence- like a celebrity endorsement

Peripheral Route of Persuasion

Our tendency to blame others mistakes on their DISPOSITION, not the situation, is known as:

The Fundamental Attribution Error

When you ask someone to do something small, they comply- and your requests get larger

Foot in the Door Phenomenon

This is the scientific study of how people think, act, and relate to one another

Social Psychology

The more you are exposed to something (or someone), the more you like them. This is known as the:

Mere exposure effect

People like us are known as our _______. Anyone outside of that group is known as your _________. We are biased towards our ___________

Ingroup, outgroup, ingroup

An unjustifiable and usually negative attitude towards a group of people is known as __________. Negative actions associated with this attitude :________.

Prejudice, Discrimination

This factor of attraction says that the more traits you have in common with someone, the more attractive you will find them.


This stage of love lasts beyond 18 months- it is a deeper connection with another person

Companionate Love

This famous 1960s experiment studied people’s obedience to authority figures

Stanley Milgram’s shock experiment

This experiment looked at how roles can affect our attitudes and behaviors (1970s)

Stanford Prison Experiment

He looked at why students would give a clearly incorrect answer in his conformity experiment

Solomon Asch

The prisoners and prison guards were just playing to their _________, according to Zimbardo


Why was Milgram’s experiment considered unethical (by today’s standards)?

“teacher” participants were deceived, and put under undue stress

This is when, in front of others, we perform easy or well-learned tasks better.

Social Faciliation

This is the tendency of people working in groups to do less work than they would do alone

Social Loafing

When people are in large groups, they lose self- awareness and self-control (like a riot)


This occurs when like-minded people get together. Their attitudes become more extreme through discussion.

Group Polarization

When people are frustrated or upset, and look for someone or a group to “blame”

Scapegoat Theory

This is deep conversations- the sharing of intimate details- with another person. Its one of the factors of a successful relationship


This is the unselfish regard for others____________. Kitty Genovese is NOT an example of this. She is an example of how the ___________ _________ influences behavior.

Altruism, Bystander Effect

We have a tendancy to believe that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get- this is known as the ______ ______ __________

Just World Phenomenon

This is the love people experience at the beginning of a relationship- it is brief (6-18 months)

Passionate Love

This is an important principle in a relationship- it is giving as much as you receive
