Chapter Nine Professionalism and Special Issues for Paralegals In this chapter, you will learn about: The role of paralegals in the legal profession Definition of professionalism Special issues for paralegals Paralegal participation in pro bono activities
Snitch Rules and Whistleblower Statutes Snitch rules: Rules requiring lawyers to report unethical conduct Whistleblower statutes: Protect employees and others from retaliation for reporting violations
Qualities of Professional Paralegals Commitment to: Public service Education The highest standards of ethical conduct Excellence The paralegal profession A strong work ethic Acting with integrity and honor Development of the whole person Exercising good judgment, common sense, and communication skills
Regulation Is there a need for regulation? Who should be regulated? Who should do the regulating? Should regulation be mandatory or voluntary? What level of regulation is appropriate? What educational requirements, if any, should be required? What kind of examination, if any, should be required? What, if any, tasks should paralegals be authorized to perform only if they are regulated?