Food Waste Diversion at Large Venues Recipe for Success CIWMB Workshop December 8, 2004 Presented by EcoNomics Inc.
How Much Food Is Diverted? Food is diverted from three areas: The Kitchen Amount diverted is 90%+ The Suites Amount diverted is 60%+ The Food Court Tent food preparation diverted is 70%+ Post Consumer food court is <25% Total amount of food diverted in tons tons
How Long to Get Program in Place? Program was Gradually Introduced Began with Containers and Cardboard in 2000 Food Scraps in Kitchen Only - Late 2000 Expanded Food to Suites and Food Court Introduce Biodegradable Plastics in 2004
Challenges and Solutions Fear of disruption of stadium operations Discussion with management well before the event and an agreement that management can discontinue program at any time. Fitting program into existing conditions Thorough understanding of operations, workflow, and communication Training and impacts on staffing Job duties must be smoothly integrated into existing work Coordination of multiple vendor operations (i.e. housekeeping, catering, food preparation, etc.) Meet with all line management (janitorial, chefs, transportation, security) on their time schedule. Be available 7/24 to troubleshoot, answer questions, assist however needed.
Training Train/educate all vendors Monitor housekeeping, identify best and get two or three designated as recycling team Color code training materials Monitor, retrain, monitor, retrain, etc.
Costs An additional $780 in labor cost A reduction in hauling and tip fee cost of $13,800 A net cost reduction of $13,020
Carrots to Involve Venues Tighter control of disposal costs Positive Public Impression Possible development of Environmental Sponsorship Concept *NOTE: Do not try any coercion - remember these folks deal with major players in both the literal and figurative sense
The Future Biodegradable Plastics Can provide 90%+ Reduction in Disposal Costs Significant Sponsorship Opportunities System-wide Impact