By: Jorge Martín Herrero
INDEX Introduction: Introduction: Parts of the sight: Parts of the sight: How the eye works: How the eye works: Funtions: Funtions: Photos: Photos:
INTRODUCTION Vision occurs when light is processed by the eye and interpreted by the brain. Light passes through the transparent eye surface (cornea). The pupil, is a opening to the eye interior. It can get larger or smaller to regulate the amount of light entering the eye. Your sense of light lets you see things with your eyes. Your eyes can detect information abaut the shape, colour and location of things aroun you.
HOW THE EYE WORKS 1.- Light go into the eye through the pupil. Then it passes through the lens. 1.- Light go into the eye through the pupil. Then it passes through the lens. 2.- The lens projects an upside down image onto the retina. The optic cells in the retina detects the light and the colours.Then they send nerve impulses to the optic nerve. 2.- The lens projects an upside down image onto the retina. The optic cells in the retina detects the light and the colours.Then they send nerve impulses to the optic nerve.
PARTS OF THE SIGHT Are 5 diferent parts of the sight: Are 5 diferent parts of the sight: The cornea: Is a transparent layer of cells. It covers and protects the iris and the pupil. The cornea: Is a transparent layer of cells. It covers and protects the iris and the pupil. The pupil: Is a small hole that lets light into the eye. The pupil: Is a small hole that lets light into the eye. The lens: Is behind the pupil and iris. It focueses light on the retina. The lens: Is behind the pupil and iris. It focueses light on the retina.
PARTS OF THE SIGHT The iris: Is the coloured part of the eye, around the pupil. It´s made of muscle fibres that open and close the pupil. The iris: Is the coloured part of the eye, around the pupil. It´s made of muscle fibres that open and close the pupil. The retina: Has got a thin layer of optic cells that detect light and colours. These optic cells send information to the optic nerve. The retina: Has got a thin layer of optic cells that detect light and colours. These optic cells send information to the optic nerve.
FUCTION The sense of sight is that which allows man to know the half of what surrounds it, interact with their peers. Visual images provide him through the eye, information about the color, shape, distance, position and movement of objects. The receptor organ is the eye.