Are the staff friendly? I was nervous What if I did something wrong?
o Nervous o Didn’t feel confident o Scared
I learnt many different skills when I did my work experience at Muffins I did lots of washing up I helped Freddie and Andrew make cakes, sausages rolls, meat slices and pasties.
The manager was very helpful and made me feel comfortable. Other people working with me also helped me The staff at the college give me all of the support that I needed.
Go out there and get myself a job. I would like to work in Frome, Radstock or Midsomer Norton I would like to work in Catering
The creation of this material by Norton Radstock College has been financed by the Skills Funding Agency Equality and Diversity Innovation Fund 2013/14. Copyright in this material is vested in the Crown but it is made freely available through an Open Government Licence. This licence enables you to use and adapt the material but you must attribute Norton Radstock College as the creator and include details of the licence. Full details of the licence are available at government-licence/ government-licence/