DESUCKERING It refers to the removal of unwanted suckers. They are to be periodically removed otherwise they compete with the mother plant for nutrients, resulting in lower bunch weight vis a vis yield. Previous Next End
DESUCKERING SERVES THREE PURPOSES Selecting the best follower suckers and preventing competition, Conserving the homogeneity of plant layout in the field, Maintaining the same number of plants per hectare. Desuckering is one of the most difficult cultural operations to be carried out in a banana plantation. Progress in the domain requires the use of a well-trained, experienced team. Previous Next End
SPECIFIC DESUCKERING METHOD FOR TISSUE CULTURE BANANA PLANTS In most cases, the desuckering techniques used in the first cycle lead to heterogeneous suckers that are frequently somewhat rosetted. Flowering of the second generation is often staggered in time and bunch weights Vary considerably. CIRADFLHOR has developed a specific desuckering method for first cycle tissue culture plants in order to correct these defects. From the second cycle onwards, desuckering is performed as in classic banana plantations. Previous Next End
THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE SUCKER SYSTEM IN TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS The suckers grown by bananas micropropagated in vitro do not grow in a particular direction. Even if they are of different physiological ages, it is impossible in most cases to identify a sucker that is dominant in relation to the others. Tissue culture plants grow suckers very soon after planting. Two to five can be seen at the surface of the soi1 in the second month. Previous Next End
The sucker insertion point does not move when the mother plant The first series of suckers grow deeply around the mother plant with their insertion points beneath the mother corm. The connection between mother and daughter is narrow (2 to 4 cm in diameter); it soon reaches its final diameter and does not grow with the sucker. The sucker insertion point does not move when the mother plant Previous Next End
Growth of the corm forces the suckers out of vertical alignment with the plant. The rise of the corms of the suckers then results in a long conical connection between the mother and the sucker. Sucker growth is slowed during this period. In addition to being out of the vertical, suckers often also have a rosetted appearance and are squat (large base diameter in relation to the height) and dark green in colour. The presence of these first suckers partially or completely inhibits the growth of other suckers higher on the mother plant. A second series of suckers (0 to 3) then grows after this inhibition. Previous Next End
The connection with the mother plant is broad and matches the size of the sucker. They grow parallel to the mother plant. When they are present, these suckers grow normally. They are reddish and somewhat more narrow and elongated than the other suckers visible. 'Half-sister' suckers of mediocre agronomic value are also seen on the connection between the first series of suckers and the mother plant, and also granddaughters that grow from the first suckers. Previous Next End
These types of the sucker with a machete and driving in suckers grow into the water suckers subsequently observed. Thus, if no desuckering is carried out, a large number of suckers (as many as fifteen) are visible at the surface at flowering. Previous Next End
FIRST CYCLE DESUCKERING The desuckering technique used should result in: 1. Good second cycle homogeneity and productivity, 2. A homogeneous layout of the mother and selected daughter in the field. 3. The removal of rosetted suckers or water suckers. The technique consists of performing the work in two stages at a two-month interval. The doubtful suckers (first series) are first removed and the follower is then chosen from the second series. Previous Next End
ELIMINATION OF FIRST SERIES SUCKERS This must be performed when the suckers have grown satisfactorily (two to five suckers visible at the surface). Their height may vary from 20 cm to 70 cm. At this stage, the only suckers in the field are the first series and a few second series suckers that are 'peepers' or little developed. The objective is to remove the first series of suckers to enhance the growth of the second series. In practice, a maximum of five suckers are removed and second series suckers are left the latter then grow rapidly and simultaneously. Previous Next End
Desuckering of these deep suckers is perfomed using a 'star gouge', a tool with three wings welded in a star shape on a point guiding shaft. This is used to destroy the meristem (top of the bulb from where the leaves grow). These very deep suckers can thus be removed without any risk of damage to the mother plant (and with little regrowth). The technique consists of cutting the sucker with a machete and driving in the star gouge at an angle of about 30 to the mother plant. The point of the to1 makes it possible to follow the leaf sheaths to the meristem. The tool is removed with a turning motion to ensure that the meristem is destroyed. Previous Next End
CHOICE OF FOLLOWER FROM THE SECOND SERIES Four to six weeks after the first operation, the second series suckers are red and markedly elongated, displaying strong growth. Desuckering can be perfomed when they are 30 cm tall, thus preventing competition between daughters. The operation is very easy as these suckers are set in the mother com at a shallow depth and have hardly any roots. Previous Next End
2. Directed towards the wind, 3. In the alignment of a double row. When the suckers are similar in size (the usual case), the follower is chosen simply by its position in the field. It may be: 1. Directed up hill, 2. Directed towards the wind, 3. In the alignment of a double row. When the suckers are of mixed size, the largest and best-placed is chosen. In the case of a plantation of tissue culture plants displaying normal first cycle growth, al1 these operations can be completed one month before the appearance of the first flowers in the field. Gains in homogeneity and yield are the most spectacular under these conditions. Previous Next End
The removal of suckers with shallow coms is performed 6 t h a machete or pincers. The tool is driven slantwise into the soi1 on the mother plant side as far as the corm. Desuckering is by complete severing of the com or by partial severing, after which the sucker is pulled out. Once the first cycle desuckering has been completed, banana plantations grown from tissue culture plants should be treated like conventional planting material as far as desuckering is concerned. Previous Next End
MATTOCKING After the harvest of bunch, the plant stem should be cut in stages at least after 30 to 45 days to facilitate mobilization of the nutrients from the mother to the developing ratoon plant. The pseudostem should cut leaving a stump of about 0.6 m ht. When the banana bunch is picked and the old trunk cut down a portion of this trunk is often allowed to remain on the root, presumably to support the follower. Previous Next End
It also forms a breeding place for borer. Actually this old head continues to use up nutrient required by the follower. It also forms a breeding place for borer. The proper treatment is to remove the entire old tree at the root and to chop it up so that the pieces may dry quickly and thus kill any borers within and to a radius of 4 feet from the new sucker. This will also improve the grade of the succeeding crop of ratoon bananas and the ratoons will have a better hold on the ground and be more resistant to drought and hurricane. The cost should not exceed a penny a root. Previous