Victor Hess in his balloon (1912)
Cosmic Rays Produce Muons in the Atmosphere.
Types of Cosmic Ray Detectors Scintillator, Water, Array
Cosmic Ray Detectors Around the World Pierre Auger, Haverah Park, SPASE, Quarknet
RadiationEnergy Photon of light Can be detected by your eye 1 eV Ultra Violet ray from sun Enough to burn your skin 10 eV X-Ray Can pass right through your body 1000 eV = 1 keV Gamma ray detected by the Whipple group's telescopeWhipple group's telescope eV = 1 TeV Cosmic Ray detected by the SPASE-2 experimentSPASE eV = 1 PeV Cosmic Ray detected by the planned Pierre Auger Observatory Pierre Auger Observatory eV = 100 EeV Highest energy Cosmic Ray ever recorded 3x10 20 eV This is the amount of energy that you would feel if you dropped a bowling ball on your foot from a height of 1 metre!
Primary Cosmic Ray Particle Types 1.Charged particles such as protons or helium nuclei 2.Uncharged particles such as photons
Are Active Galactic Nuclei a Source of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays? (NGC 4261)
The Quarknet Scintillation Detector
Finding the Muon Lifetime