Part 4 The Principles of Restoration The Essentials of Unification Principle and World Peace
The Position of Fallen Human Beings GodSatan Good mind Heart and conscience Evil mind Selfish mind Objective to God Objective to Evil Self-denial Fasting, sexual abstinence Sacrificing myself for others Self-indulgence Greed, lust, laziness Sacrificing others for myself Human Responsibility The role of religion: strengthen the mind (heart and conscience) to regain control over the body God’s word Love/truth Satan’s word False love Mind Body Fallen/selfish person
Human History from the Perspective of God’s Providence God’s Heart and Will = Unchanging/absolute = To realise the purpose of creation Evil selfish purpose Selfish Man Selfish Woman selfish children Selfish Family Society, World False Parents False love False life False lineage AdamEve Serpent/ Satan God True Man True Woman True children True Family, Society, World True Parents true love True life True lineage AdamEve RESTORATION Human Responsibility Fulfilment of God’s will God’s responsibility + Human responsibility Religion has the central role in overcoming our ignorance and transforming us from selfishness to living for God and others.
The Purpose of Religion 2. Growth 1.Formation 3. Completion God Eve Adam Children Salvation = Restoration The role of religion Fall Satan Eve Adam Children Adam + Eve God Eve Adam Children Religion: Give God’s word/truth Selfish people: Accept – repent – change direction Selfish >>> for God and others Restoration through indemnity a reverse course - self-denial Restoring: 1.Love for God 2.Love for others Foundation to receive True Parents (Messiah = 2 nd Adam)
Human responsibility and restoration through indemnity Fulfilment of God’s willGod’s responsibility + Human responsibility 95% 5% (100% effort) When human beings fail in their responsibility, God’s will is NOT done. God does not interfere in human responsibility, but he gives human beings a way to recover their position by making conditions of indemnity. Indemnity = a payment to recover a lost position or status. A reverse course by which responsibility is taken for the sin. Pure person Impure person Honest person liar Original position status Fallen position Evil/sinful act Lie Confess Expose the lie Adultery fornication Sexual abstinence Condition of Indemnity
The Role of Religious People in Human History The Struggle Between Good and Evil – The Hidden Dimension of History God Religious conscientious person/family/nation Comparatively Selfish person family/nation Satan Ind Family Tribe/society Nation
The responsibility of religious/conscientious people To indemnify/restore Adam and Eve’s failure GodSatan Selfish Mind (Body) Heart Conscience (Mind) Religious Conscientious person Relatively Selfish person Abel (younger) Cain (elder) AdamAbel’s Responsibility 1.Self-denial – change direction 2.Restore faith, love and obedience to God. 3. Become a person of love who embodies truth and loves his enemy, Cain, such that he wins him to God’s side.
Abraham Isaac Ishmael Esau 12 sons >> tribes Jacob JosephBrothers Father of Faith Egypt