Research Paper: Design and Layout TWRIT SP09
Formatting the Document APA Format Parenthetical Documentation References Header/Abstract/Subs Visuals (figures and tables) Grammar and Sentence Fluency Organization Thesis/Topic Sentences/Citation Tips Proper Sequencing
Parenthetical Citation In-Text citing of any information quoted or ideas borrowed from other sources In-Text means immediate sourcing (eg. Like this) No need for footnotes Primary Sources No need to cite, but must introduce “…3000 calories, according to nutritionist David Wenzel” Secondary sources Cited as “quotes” (Peters,13) or paraphrase (Peters, 13) See APA guidelines in Text or OWL
Reference Page References include all parenthetical citations, tables, and figures Positioned between the end of text and beginning of appendices Includes primary and secondary sources
Headers APA formatting includes title page APA formatting includes running header APA format includes no footer Subheaders Introduce subtopics and are reinforced by topic sentences
Abstract Summarizes (does NOT paraphrase) Executive language-- inductive Tells the reader where the research ended Positioned after title page, before text of paper.
Visuals Figures Are pictures of relevant information which reinforce the research Graphs, pictorial diagrams, etc. Keep it simple! Tables Present data Keep it simple!
Grammar and Style Well developed grammar, use the check Avoid excessive modifiers Have someone read and check for homophones Vary sentence structure; avoid too many simple sentences Modify run-ons and fragments
Sequence of the APA 1. Title page 2. Abstract 3. Introduction 4. Body (subheaders) 5. Conclusion 6. References 7. Appendices
Constructing Paragraphs Topic sentences introduce main idea Use at least three supporting detail in each paragraph Any quote or cited idea must be followed with supporting original text tying it to the topic (and thus the thesis). End of paragraph should transition to the following (see p. 725) Use the Grammar guide on p. 723 for tips and rules)
Designing the Document Creating and Inserting Visuals Primary and Secondary Sourced Ethical and Reliable Citation Writing the Abstract Creating the outline-- inductive reasoning
Using the Visual (CH11) Visuals must be relevant Use a visual to clarify writing-- not substitute. Always take time to discuss your visual representation Place the visual close to the text referencing it Make them clear and easy to read Consider how it looks on the page Use no more than.25 page with one visual
The Visual: Identification Box the visual or leave white space around it Use a different type face and size your caption Include key words in the caption Tables and Figures are numbered separately Cite the source in the caption, not references
Writing the Abstract Write the abstract after the paper is complete Abstract is inductive; your research is not a mystery novel Informative abstract uses an outline as a guide (see p430)
Presenting the Document Visual (.ppt) organization Presentation skills (speaking) Audience centered approach Reinforcing the message