„You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last …” John 15:16
What is you imagination about European Union?
Some facts: 27 countries Population 500 million (in USA 300 million) UE has a large impact on the world Used to be a christian noctinent 50% of European have never opened the Bible Only 2-3% of them are true followers of Christ We need to fight for Europe because it has become lost continent
Poland in central Europe
SIZE: SIMILAR TO NEW MEXICO POPULATION: 39 MILLION RELIGION : Roman Catholics: 89% Protestants: 0,5% Others 10,5%
7 -5 F oo It gets very cold in Poland… …and very hot. 98 F
IN POLAND: 89% declare themselves as Catholics 45% come regularly to church 18% of students come regularly to church <1% new born christians
„You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last …” John 15:16
CCC MINISTRY ● 5 biggest academic cities ● 48 full time missionaries working with students ● 2 million univ. students ● over 400 universities (state and private)
Our Mission in Campus Crusade for Christ: ● Win people to Christ - Evangelize ● Build them up in Him - Disciple ● Send them out for Him - ACTS 1:8
Josh McDowell in Poland
Gathered over 6000 young people
Still many Polish students are interested in spirituality Meeting with Josh McDowell Meetings about spiritual threats with Christian mime, former gangster
Andrzej story
Small Bible groups
Gosia KrysiaŁukasz Marcin
Students feeling responsible for reaching their Universities Medical University of Warsaw
Polish Campus Ministry is sending our staff for mission to Czech Republic – the most atheistic country in Europe POLAND CZECH REPUBLIC Our Challenge – Until Everyone Hear
In order to accomplish our Mission of reaching these future leaders of Poland for Christ, what we need most is YOU on our MISSION TEAM
Thank You For Your: Prayers Donations