1.Find the word for ‘destroyer’ in the title. 2.What job does the guy do? 3.What is his hobby? 4.How many months did production take? 5.How many hours of work did it take? 6.What does this mean: “Das waren echte Explosionen. Das war echtes Feuer” 7. How did he do the shots into the monitor? 8. What country does he come from? 9. Wie heisst der Mann? 10. Wie viele Fotos gibt es im Film?
Der neue Trend in China! Gemüse, Chillis und mehr im Haar! How do you say, ‘hair accessory’ in German? What does Yan Xue study? What job does Liang Tao do? Why does Hui Jin like it? Wie alt ist Yan Xue? Wie alt ist Liang Tao? Wie alt ist Hui Jin?
3D Druck 1) What is the German word for: Car: Roof: Printer: Slice / layer: Green: 2) What does Christoph say to Herr Pirodi at the end?
1. What is the German word for shark? 2. What was Mark McCraggen doing when the attack happened?
What information can you find out about the main characters of this popular German children’s show? The names come up at the bottom, below the picture.