Venezuela Revolution Ms. George
Revolution A sudden, often violent, changing of government, rulers, and often social, cultural, economic, and religious systems in a country. Sheldon, Garrett Ward. "revolution." Encyclopedia of Political Thought. New York: Facts On File, Inc., Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc. ItemID=WE53&iPin=polthot00365&SingleRecord=True (accessed May 29, 2013
Colony Venezuela’s Status as a Colony -- Mother Country --
Leaders of the Revolution Bolívar, Simón ( ) A leader of the South American independence movements. Bolívar used NAPOLEON BONAPARTE's invasion of Spain (1808) to demand independence for Venezuela, which was proclaimed by a congress in 1811 "Bolivar, Simon ( )." The New Penguin Dictionary of Modern History History Study Center. Web. 29 May Place on the SOCIAL HIERARCHY HELD_____________________
Reasons for the Revolution Causes Link to ideas or events of the time period
Details of the Revolution Major Battles Supporters or Opponents
Outcome of the Revolution Type of Government Established New Leader(s) Name of Country/Region European influence on the new country if any
Visuals Map of the region Important Historical Figures Flag of the New Country from the time period
Works Cited Exported from Noodletools (may need to be copied from Word)
Make Index Cards If you have too many words on a slide, write them on an index card and you can mention those words during your presentation.