New Democrats Party President:Chelsea Browning Vice-President:Shatoniya Ball Political Advisors:Brad Nevins, Fred Lyles, and Rashad Jones
Issues Taxes Economy Education Environment Foreign Affairs Gun Control Immigration Abortion Affirmative Action Social Security Medicare
Taxes Lower taxes on necessities Raise taxes on luxury products such as: cigarettes, alcohol, etc Everyone pays the same on taxes that will be based on a reasonable median
Economy Restore the economy by increasing jobs Creating a stimulus package that will insure stability
Education Make education a priority Insure more money for schools by cutting back on the “cut-backs”
Environment Support and raise awareness on environmental issues such as global warming, the importance of recycling, the preservation of the rainforest and other valuable areas of the world.
Foreign Affairs Increase stability and re-build relationships between the U.S. and foreign countries Remove troops from Iraq Base policy of foreign affairs on respect and common ground rather than creating foes