Closed System – Matter stays within, Energy can go in/out of system Open System – Both Matter and Energy can go in/out of system Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

Closed System – Matter stays within, Energy can go in/out of system Open System – Both Matter and Energy can go in/out of system Systems

the Balancing Budget Input Output Energy Budget – A balance of inputs or outputs within a system. Budgets

Balanced Unbalanced Budgets

Feedback Loops – A pathway formed by an ‘effect’ returning to its ‘cause ’ = Amplification= Equilibrium Feedback Loops

    Positive Feedback Loop – A change in one variable (increase or decrease results in the same type of change (increase or decrease) in another variable. Feedback Loops

    Negative Feedback Loop – A change in one variable (increase or decrease) results in the opposite type of change (increase or decrease) in another variable. Feedback Loops

Account balance grows Body Temperature Decreases Earn money Earn more interest Body Sweat Increases Body Temperature Rises Birthrate Increases Population increases Feedback Loops PositiveNegative Positive

Biogeochemical Cycles Bio – biosphere or life Geo – geosphere or rock Chemicals Biogeochemicals - the movement (or cycling) of matter (chemicals) through the Erath’s systems. They are part of the larger cycles that describe the functioning of the whole Earth (not just the surface parts). To sum it up, these living to nonliving (and vice versa) pathways are all made of different biological, geological, and chemical processes that help make the world go 'round and life exist on Earth.

Biogeochemical Cycles Make a list of all of Earth’s cycles that you are familiar with and describe how they work.