Pop Art Sculptures Using the size of your subject to create visual interest.
What creates the visual interest in the piece?
Ron Mueck
Baby GirlMueck
The subject isn’t want creates visual interest, the medium and scale. How does the subject go with the medium? Micro sculpture……..
Micro sculpture
When possible, incorporate an environmental element to enhance the composition of the sculpture
Claus Oldenberg
Student work
Work in progress If you can’t find an existing form to transform, construct it
Student examples
The more contrast in the scale, the more visual interest it creates
Cheesepuff container Aluminium tape Paint Foam sheet White paper Marker Chipboard Paper towel roll
Possible inspirations: Foods Hand held item Office supplies Candy Tools art supplies Medicine Medical supplies Fashion/clothes Containers Cleaning supplies Nature items Animals Insects Beauty supplies Electronics Toys Books There are two approaches to developing your ideas: Find an item to transform that has a similar form of something of a different scale OR Construct your item out of easily available materials.
Resources: / 16/ aordinary-Measures-fairies-lifelike-sculptures-and-tiny-tourists-at-Belsay- Hall-in-Northumberland.html?image=9 aordinary-Measures-fairies-lifelike-sculptures-and-tiny-tourists-at-Belsay- Hall-in-Northumberland.html?image=9 dXBkbHJyBHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmw- /SIG=13252hmv1/EXP= /**http%3a//damnamazingthings.blog spot.com/2011/01/crayon-miniature-sculptures.html dXBkbHJyBHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmw- /SIG=13252hmv1/EXP= /**http%3a//damnamazingthings.blog spot.com/2011/01/crayon-miniature-sculptures.html pture_of_a_motorbike_in_miniature_11.htm pture_of_a_motorbike_in_miniature_11.htm