Life is like a dog tied to a tree because…. ?v=cY-7vOEC7Bc What is a ‘Eureka’ moment? What other words could we use to define.


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Presentation transcript:

Life is like a dog tied to a tree because…

?v=cY-7vOEC7Bc What is a ‘Eureka’ moment? What other words could we use to define these sort of moments?

Enlightenment L.O To enquire into enlightenment as an example of revelation The gaining of true knowledge, particularly in the Buddhist tradition, that frees a person from the cycle of rebirth by seeing what the truth about life really is. (Write this definition into your book)

The story of Buddha’s enlightenment Enlightenment is not about seeing something about God (revelation) but about going beyond this and realising the ultimate reality where everything makes sense. To realise that nothing is permanent and look at what is eternal. 9roE

How do Buddhists work towards enlightenment? Meditation Creating a sense of calm e-story-of-prince-siddhartha-founder-of- buddhism/3782.htmlhttp:// e-story-of-prince-siddhartha-founder-of- buddhism/3782.html

Do you think enlightenment can help a religious believer learn more about ultimate reality?