Introduction: In chapter five, the Risen Christ, the Lamb of God, has taken the scroll, the “Title Deed to Creation,” the “Scroll of Destiny,” into His eternally worthy grasp. John then reports Revelation 6:1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.”
Introduction: In chapter five, the Risen Christ, the Lamb of God, has taken the scroll, the “Title Deed to Creation,” the “Scroll of Destiny,” into His eternally worthy grasp. John then reports Revelation 6:1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.”
Introduction: In chapter five, the Risen Christ, the Lamb of God, has taken the scroll, the “Title Deed to Creation,” the “Scroll of Destiny,” into His eternally worthy grasp. John then reports Revelation 6:1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.”
And what do we see? Revelation 6:2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. The description introduces a conquering king. The question for us is…
And what do we see? Revelation 6:2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. The description introduces a conquering king. The question for us is…
“Who is THIS CONQUERING KING?” Is This King Jesus? Some have replied yes because of the way King Jesus returns in Revelation 19:11–12 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.
“Who is THIS CONQUERING KING?” Is This King Jesus? Some have replied yes because of the way King Jesus returns in Revelation 19:11–12 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.
The only similarity between the conquering king of 6:2 and the returning King Jesus is that both are on a white horse. However, there are stark differences.
The only similarity between the conquering king of 6:2 and the returning King Jesus is that both are on a white horse. However, there are stark differences.
Conquering king of Rev. 6:2 Returning King Jesus of Rev. 19:11ff Comes with a bow Comes with a sword Has one crown Has many crowns The crown is the “stephanos” – victory crown The crown is the “diadama” – the diadem, the crown of royalty
Conquering king of Rev. 6:2 Returning King Jesus of Rev. 19:11ff Comes with a bow Comes with a sword Has one crown Has many crowns The crown is the “stephanos” – victory crown The crown is the “diadama” – the diadem, the crown of royalty
Conquering king of Rev. 6:2 Returning King Jesus of Rev. 19:11ff Comes with a bow Comes with a sword Has one crown Has many crowns The crown is the “stephanos” – victory crown The crown is the “diadama” – the diadem, the crown of royalty
Conquering king of Rev. 6:2 Returning King Jesus of Rev. 19:11ff Comes with a bow Comes with a sword Has one crown Has many crowns The crown is the “stephanos” – victory crown The crown is the “diadama” – the diadem, the crown of royalty
Conquering king of Rev. 6:2 Returning King Jesus of Rev. 19:11ff Comes with a bow Comes with a sword Has one crown Has many crowns The crown is the “stephanos” – victory crown The crown is the “diadama” – the diadem, the crown of royalty
Conquering king of Rev. 6:2 Returning King Jesus of Rev. 19:11ff Comes with a bow Comes with a sword Has one crown Has many crowns The crown is the “stephanos” – victory crown The crown is the “diadama” – the diadem, the crown of royalty
Conquering king of Rev. 6:2 Returning King Jesus of Rev. 19:11ff Comes with a bow Comes with a sword Has one crown Has many crowns The crown is the “stephanos” – victory crown The crown is the “diadama” – the diadem, the crown of royalty
The differences at the very least makes us suspect that this conquering king is not Jesus, but perhaps an imitation, a false Christ. So we should ask, “Has Scripture told us about the rise of a future conquering king other than King Jesus?” The answer to that question is “YES!” The place we find the most enlightenment is in the Book of Daniel.
The differences at the very least makes us suspect that this conquering king is not Jesus, but perhaps an imitation, a false Christ. So we should ask, “Has Scripture told us about the rise of a future conquering king other than King Jesus?” The answer to that question is “YES!” The place we find the most enlightenment is in the Book of Daniel.
The differences at the very least makes us suspect that this conquering king is not Jesus, but perhaps an imitation, a false Christ. So we should ask, “Has Scripture told us about the rise of a future conquering king other than King Jesus?” The answer to that question is “YES!” The place we find the most enlightenment is in the Book of Daniel.
The differences at the very least makes us suspect that this conquering king is not Jesus, but perhaps an imitation, a false Christ. So we should ask, “Has Scripture told us about the rise of a future conquering king other than King Jesus?” The answer to that question is “YES!” The place we find the most enlightenment is in the Book of Daniel.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Head of Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar Chest of Inferior kingdom to follow Medo-Persia Midsection of Third kingdom to rule the earth
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Head of gold Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar Chest of Inferior kingdom to follow Medo-Persia Midsection of Third kingdom to rule the earth
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Head of gold Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar Babylon Chest of Inferior kingdom to follow Medo-Persia Midsection of Third kingdom to rule the earth
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Head of gold Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar Babylon Chest of silver Inferior kingdom to follow Medo-Persia Midsection of Third kingdom to rule the earth
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Head of gold Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar Babylon Chest of silver Inferior kingdom to follow Medo-Persia Midsection of bronze Third kingdom to rule the earth
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Head of gold Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar Babylon Chest of silver Inferior kingdom to follow Medo-Persia Midsection of bronze Third kingdom to rule the earth Greece
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Legs of iron Strong fourth kingdom that crushes; eventually divided Rome Feet of iron mixed with Another kingdom arising out of the fourth, a mixture of strength and weakness The future Revived Roman Empire, the Kingdom of
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Legs of iron Strong fourth kingdom that crushes; eventually divided Rome Feet of iron mixed with clay Another kingdom arising out of the fourth, a mixture of strength and weakness The future Revived Roman Empire, the Kingdom of
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Legs of iron Strong fourth kingdom that crushes; eventually divided Rome Feet of iron mixed with clay Another kingdom arising out of the fourth, a mixture of strength and weakness The future Revived Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Evil
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING A stone, not cut by human hands, struck the image on its feet, broke them into pieces and caused the entire statue to fall and crumble to dust. God will set up a kingdom which will destroy the fifth kingdom and all the kingdoms of men.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING A stone, not cut by human hands, struck the image on its feet, broke them into pieces and caused the entire statue to fall and crumble to dust. God will set up a kingdom which will destroy the fifth kingdom and all the kingdoms of men. This is the kingdom of Christ that shall utterly destroy the kingdom of evil and all other kingdoms of men.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Of The Statue (Dan. 2) INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING The stone grew into a mountain that covered the entire earth. This kingdom will last forever. This kingdom shall cover the earth and will endure forever and forever.
Daniel’s Vision Of The Four Beasts (Dan. 7) After Daniel shared God’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream with the king, King Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel (Babylonian name, Belteshazzar) the chief of the magi of Babylonia and put him in charge of the capital province of Babylon.
Daniel’s Vision Of The Four Beasts (Dan. 7) After Daniel shared God’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream with the king, King Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel (Babylonian name, Belteshazzar) the chief of the magi of Babylonia and put him in charge of the capital province of Babylon.
Daniel’s Vision Of The Four Beasts (Dan. 7) Daniel asked that his three faithful friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Babylonian names, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego) be made his governmental assistants. The request was quickly granted, and Daniel and his friends ministered faithfully in this foreign kingdom for the rest of their lives.
Daniel’s Vision Of The Four Beasts (Dan. 7) Approximately 55 years after God gave Daniel the interpretation of the king’s dream, God gave Daniel one of his own. It was an awesome and disturbing dream, but one that ended well. As a part of his dream, Daniel inquired as to the meaning of this vision, and he was given the interpretation.
Daniel’s Vision Of The Four Beasts (Dan. 7) This dream also was a vision of the future, and it fits hand in glove with the vision God had given Nebuchadnezzar, only greater detail is added.
Lion with eagle's wings King One BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Lion with eagle's wings King One
Lion with eagle's wings King One BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Lion with eagle's wings King One Babylon, especially King Nebuchadnezzar who as the lion is king of the beasts was a worldly king of kings. His wings were plucked due to pride; but then restored when he humbled himself before God.
Bear with three ribs in mouth King Two BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Bear with three ribs in mouth King Two
Bear with three ribs in mouth King Two BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Bear with three ribs in mouth King Two Medo-Persia which devoured Lydia, Babylon and Egypt. Persia was the strong side.
Leopard with four wings and heads King Three BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Leopard with four wings and heads King Three
Leopard with four wings and heads King Three BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Leopard with four wings and heads King Three Greece, agile and swift like a leopard under Alexander the Great. The four heads picture the four kingdoms which arose after his death: Thrace, Macedonia, Syria and Egypt.
Dreadful beast King Four Roman Empire BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Dreadful beast King Four Roman Empire
Ten kings arising from the fourth kingdom BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING ... with ten horns Ten kings arising from the fourth kingdom Revived Roman Empire in a ten nation confederation
Three kings removed from power by a new king BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Three horns plucked up Three kings removed from power by a new king
Three kings removed from power by a new king BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING Three horns plucked up Three kings removed from power by a new king Three leaders of the ten nation confederacy are removed and replaced by a new leader.
A little horn with eyes speaking pompous words BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING A little horn with eyes speaking pompous words A king who takes over the ten nation confederation, makes war on the saints, attempts to change God's appointed plan for history and His laws, but is eventually cast into the flames
A little horn with eyes speaking pompous words BEAST INTERPRETATION HISTORICAL MEANING A little horn with eyes speaking pompous words A king who takes over the ten nation confederation, makes war on the saints, attempts to change God's appointed plan for history and His laws, but is eventually cast into the flames The Antichrist of Rev. 13 who leads a one world government during the tribulation. He is called the beast out of the sea in Revelation, and he will be the first person to ever be cast into the Lake of Fire.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING 70 weeks (sevens) are determined for your people and your holy city.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING 70 weeks (sevens) are determined for your people and your holy city. God's plan for the Jews and Jerusalem will be accomplished over a period of 70 “7s” (490 years).
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING To finish transgression, end sins, make reconciliation for iniquity, bring in righteousness, seal prophecy, and anoint the Most Holy.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING To finish transgression, end sins, make reconciliation for iniquity, bring in righteousness, seal prophecy, and anoint the Most Holy. In this period of time God will bring about an end to sin and a way for reconciliation with God by means of the Messiah.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING From the command to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah will be 7 "7s" and 62 "7s."
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING From the command to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah will be 7 "7s" and 62 "7s." From command of Neh. 2 by King Artaxerxes until Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday was 483 years. (7 x 7 = 49) (62 x 7 = 434) 49 + 434 = 483
The street and wall shall be built again. The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan. 9:24-27) PROPHECY MEANING The street and wall shall be built again. Jerusalem was rebuilt under the ministry of Nehemiah.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING After 62 "7s" (69 total) Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING After 62 "7s" (69 total) Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself. Jesus died on the cross for our sin a few days after entering Jerusalem.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING The people of the "prince to come" shall destroy Jerusalem and the temple.
The Romans destroyed the temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan. 9:24-27) PROPHECY MEANING The people of the "prince to come" shall destroy Jerusalem and the temple. The Romans destroyed the temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING The "prince" will enter a covenant with Israel.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING The "prince" will enter a covenant with Israel. The Antichrist, leader of the revived Roman Confederation, will enter a covenant (treaty) with Israel.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING In the middle of the last "7" he will commit the abomination of desolations.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING In the middle of the last "7" he will commit the abomination of desolations. Antichrist will break the treaty at the midpoint of the tribulation, will proclaim himself to be “god,” and will mandate worship of an image of himself.
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING Until the consummation
The Time Table Of The Prophecy Of Seventy Sevens (70 Weeks) (Dan MEANING Until the consummation This state continues until the Lord returns at Armageddon to establish His victorious kingdom.
Scripture has even more to say about a coming conquering king who not only is not King Jesus, but actually opposes King Jesus. We will explore those references about this anti-Christ next week.
Scripture has even more to say about a coming conquering king who not only is not King Jesus, but actually opposes King Jesus. We will explore those references about this anti-Christ next week.