Agenda 07/07/2010 Day 9 for photosynthesis lab Test Info Con’t Traits Natural Selection (Evolution) –Everyday life –Evidence Energy Transfer Details –Cell Parts –How get into the cell? –Photosynthesis and Respiration But first…..
Study Guide for Test Friday, 07/09/2010 Ecology Evolution Genetics Cells Scientific Inquiry Writing Writing Thoughts Multiple Choice! I will be grading the following as you are taking the test: 1.Safety “Quiz” 2.Notebook – looking for notes on specific days 3.Writing example 4.Sketches 5.Vocab Ring
Example for Diversity and Natural Selection How is Snail population diverse? How “help” population? How is the moth population diverse? How “help” population? What if either population did not have diversity? Biology Book Pages:
How does these example show evolution? Evolution: Change over time The moth populations changed (Natural Selection0 –Requirements: time, big/diverse population, more born then live –Selection Factors: Predation Does Evolution affect your life?
How does Evolution affect your everyday life? Watch movie to find out! Resistant Populations –Microbes evolve faster then our technology –Sick take medicine feel better so stop but only killed weak strong still in you which you pass on to someone else they take medicine stop –Lets sketch it out!
Evidence for Evolution Darwin, Biology book p. 419: –Embryology –Comparative Anatomy –Classification –Biogeography –Paleontology (fossils) Today: –Above –DNA –Biochemistry
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Energy Transfer – DETAILS! We will be Learning by –taking notes –drawing a picture –a couple activities What you need: –Notes –Large sheet of paper (maybe 2) –Pencil and Pen –Colored Pencils –NO MARKERS (writing on back, so don’t want to bleed through!) –Lifeworks book and Biology book
Lets Review… All Energy comes from the capture the sun’s energy in a process called and change this energy into. get by eating producers or other and need to break into energy they can use. This happens in a process called. Both of these processes take place in the
Types of Cells AutotrophHeterotroph Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Functions Energy through: All Only in Autotrophs Only in Heterotroph
Cells and Energy Transfer – Biology book Heterotroph: Cell Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Ribosomes Mitochondria Vacuoles (many/small) Autotroph: Cell Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Ribosomes Mitochondria Cholorplast Cell Wall Large Vacuole Types of Cells define: Prokaryote Eukaryote Sketch out a plant and animal cell (p.221) Both of these are examples of Eukaryotic Cells as they have membrane bound organelles