Procurement Workshop Juan Liu Procurement Strategy Manager Leicester City Council
Suppliers Spend Leicestershire County Council Our spend with suppliers is £350m per annum (approximately) 52% of this is with SMEs Leicester City Council Our spend with suppliers is £360m per annum (approximately) 70% of this is with SMEs
What we buy Categories Books, Journals & Multimedia Building & Civil Engineering Consultancy & Professional Services Design, Printing & Marketing Services Educational ServicesFood & Catering Equipment/Services Furniture & FurnishingsHealthcare (Public Health) Services Housing Services (City Only) Human ResourcesICT & TelecommunicationsSocial Care (Adults & Children) Stationery and Office Supplies TransportUtilities Vehicles & PlantWaste Collection (City Only) Waste DisposalMiscellaneous
Accessibility Source Leicestershire Contracts Finder Regional eTendering Procurement Portal
Regulatory Framework European National EU Procurement Directives Public Contracts Regulations 2015 Financial Regulations Contract Procedure Rules Local
Procurement Process Overview Procure Contract Notice EOI Tender EvaluateManage Review Commissioning PQQ Award
To bid or not to bid? Is the tender a good fit in relation to your company’s activities? Can you meet the eligibility criteria (technical qualifications, policy compliance e.g. Quality Assurance, Insurance) ? Do you have a good track record in relation to the opportunity? Do you have the trading history (e.g. 2 years Accounts)? Do you have the capability and capacity to deliver the contract if successful? Can you make sense of the budget and can you deliver the contract on time?
Preparing the Tender Managing the preparation of your bid Get your team together, appoint a bid manager and conduct detailed review and interpretation of tender requirements. Determine whether you require clarification of any aspect of the tender and ask the question(s) allowing enough time for a response. Check regularly to see if any questions/answers have been submitted by competitors. Be aware that any question you ask will be notified to other suppliers) Prepare work plan & allocation of roles/tasks/milestones with reference to tender & submission deadline. NB: Build in time to review, refine and style bid
Understand the rules and timelines… Understand the process for each tender Word limit Presentation – Font size – Use of colour – Hard copy, soft copy or both Adhere to the timelines given
Social value Social value at Knightstone Housing: Ryan's story Example Question- What social value aspects would you provide during service delivery e.g use of local labour?
Procurement plan/pipeline Google- Leicester City Council Procurement Plan 2015 EastMidsTenders – Contract Register – Leicestershire County Council Procurement Plan 2015
Sample Upcoming Opportunities Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment Services (November 2015) Public Health Autism training for LCC, Leicester City and Rutland CC staff - potential RfQ (between November 2015 and March 2016) Dementia Training to LCC, Leicester City and Rutland CC staff - potential RfQ process. (between November 2015 and March 2016) Specialist Learning and Development Help to Live at Home full tender (January 2016) Extra Care full tender (April 2016) Supported Living full tender (April 2016) Community Life Choices full tender (April 2016) Adults and Communities These are potential opportunities. See EastMids Tenders for current opportunities. Please Note:
What else we do for you…. For further information and help for businesses including funding options, visit: sinvesting.htm Loans to small business and starts ups available from the Leicestershire Local Enterprise Fund The County Council has set up a £1 million programme with Funding Circle, the UK's leading online marketplace for business loans, to support firms looking to expand and grow and help create employment opportunities in Leicestershire. To be eligible, firms must have a minimum turnover of £100,000 and have been trading for at least two years. Businesses can borrow between £5,000 and £1 million and investors receive an average net return of 5.8 per cent. For further details of how to apply, see or contact
Frequent Procedures - City ProcessDescription QuotationFour written quotes with at least two (where reasonably practicable) shall be from a local supplier. OpenSingle stage process. All bidders submit a priced tender. RestrictedTwo stage process: (1) Pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) to select tender shortlist (2) Invitation to Tender (ITT) to shortlist bidders – priced tender required. Use of frameworkFurther competition from the ‘panel’ of suppliers
Frequent Procedures - County Estimated Contract ValueMinimum Procurement ProcessMinimum Public Notice £0 to £1,000Obtain one oral / written quotationNone required (optional: Source Leicestershire)Source Leicestershire £1,000 to £20,000Obtain three written quotationswritten quotations None required (optional: Source Leicestershire). Local Suppliers invited where appropriate & relevant to the contract. £20,000 to £100,000 Seek three written quotations (to be based on a Request for Quotation document where practical) For exceptions see Rule 6written quotations Source Leicestershire and Contracts Finder £100,000 to EU ThresholdFormal Tender ProcessSource Leicestershire and Contracts Finder EU Threshold or overFormal Tender ProcessOJEU, Contracts Finder and Source Leicestershire
Evaluation Criteria can cover... Financials Previous trading and experience Health & Safety Quality Assurance Bidding Model Environmental considerations Equality and Diversity Safeguarding
Marking The total score from all officers involved will be averaged and applied to the weighting given to each question. For the guidance you should note that, each question is given a relative ‘importance weighting’, to reflect its significance within the overall evaluation. This weighting is shown alongside each question.
Weighting For the guidance you should note that, each question is given a relative ‘importance weighting’, to reflect its significance within the overall evaluation. This weighting is shown alongside each question.
Case Studies: Example Structure Client Name & Contract Title Work of same/similar nature, scope and scale What, When and How you did it Client Benefit (Outputs & Outcomes) Innovation & Added Value Contract Value/Price Reference confirming work was performed to client satisfaction and to schedule
Standing Out from the Crowd Have you articulated ‘Why choose us?’ Have you fully defined the key features, quality and benefits of your approach? Have you used and made the most of recent and relevant case studies to illustrate your track record? Have you gone the extra mile in manifesting your understanding of the brief and the design of your solution? Conduct a mock assessment against the evaluation criteria and relative weighting Presentation Read - Doing business with government: guide for SMEsDoing business with government: guide for SMEs
Avoid… Making hollow statements – We offer you the very best service – We have competitive prices – We want long term relationships with our clients – We are the best in the market These statements are either obvious or subjective so leave them out!
Price Evaluation Vital to understand scoring: is it 100% or mix of quality and price 60% vs 40%?! Where in that value chain will you reduce costs? What price level will ensure you hit your objectives? By what margin do you need to come down? What part of their requirements is the most important to reduce costs on?
Whole Life Costs Over the duration of the contract including: Capital, Maintenance, Management, Operating and Disposal costs etc Continuing to add value beyond the life of the contract
Local suppliers Being local on its own is not an advantage. But stress the potential benefits: Less distance to travel (carbon impact?) Quicker response time (better service offering?) More flexible (change your order....) Lower overheads Understand local issues/communities Local supply chains
Request feedback Even if you won the tender there may still be room for improvement; – If you didn’t win, make sure you learn why. Incorporate any learnings from the feedback into your tender response process
Local suppliers Being local on its own is not an advantage. But stress the potential benefits: Less distance to travel (carbon impact?) Quicker response time (better service offering?) More flexible (change your order....) Lower overheads Understand local issues/communities Local supply chains
Contact Details Leicester City CouncilLeicestershire County Council Juan LiuSatish Parekh Procurement Strategy ManagerCommercial Specialist