C LEAR L AKE V ENUES Project Initiation ISAM 5637 Spring 2009 University of Houston – Clear Lake
P ROJECT D ETAILS Project Name: Clear Lake Venues Project Sponsor: Mohammad A. Rob, Ph.D. Project Manager: Rudy Tobias Approval Date: February 4, 2009 Project Deadline: April 22, 2009
O BJECTIVES & F EATURES Provide a public web-based system that catalogs local bars, restaurants, sports, and music venues in the Clear Lake area. Provides a method that allows customers to search for a particular venue, and filter the results by categories and venue specific criteria. Provides an authenticated method to allow customers to provide measurable feedback and comments on venues. Allow users to subscribe to receive updates from selected venues.
O BJECTIVES & F EATURES (C ONTINUED ) Provides an authenticated method to allow venue owners and managers to upload information to the system. Provide a method for raising revenue through ad- based services, and featured venues. Provide a system for venue owners and managers to receive customer feedback through reports Build relationships with larger business search providers to share information and user base.
A PPROACH The objectives will be to assign a management and execution team to manage the overall project and execute the project plan through system related documents. 1. Collect data by identify and catalog local bars, restaurants, and music venues 2. Design the information system 3. Develop a web based application 4. Present, to Executive Sponsor, a plan that includes recommendations and associated actions
P ROJECT R ISKS Competition for local event information Willingness of local venue owners to actively participate and share information Enough events to keep the site entertained Possible low interest in the local population Unknown economic conditions Potential layoffs for local businesses could impact local venues
R OLES & R ESPONSIBILITIES TeamNameRoleResponsibility Mohammad A. RobProject SponsorProject monitoring ManagementRudy TobiasProject ManagerPlanning and executing ManagementRichard MeyerSystems ArchitectPlans, Designs, and Implements system hardware and software AnalystsAmbarish RegmiBusiness AnalystDocuments business processes and workflows AnalystsGerrit StrohSystem AnalystProject monitoring, staffing, and system analyzing DevelopersShweta SatishDatabase AnalystPlans, designs, and develops the database schema DevelopersLakshmi PreethaDeveloperDevelops software, forms & reports
P ROJECT D ELIVERABLES Project Charter Requirements Document Feasibility Analysis Organization Chart Project Schedule Venue Data Analysis Report Presentation to Sponsor Deliver the Information System
C OMMENTS & Q UESTIONS This project must be completed within 3 months. Development of this project was based on improved search efficiency to the users by only providing relevant results.