CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY FLOW MAPPING IN A GAS-SOLID RISER VIA COMPUTER AUTOMATED RADIOACTIVE PARTICLE TRACKING (CARPT) Satish Bhusarapu, Pascal Fongarland, M.Al-Dahhan and M.P.Dudukovic CREL Annual Meeting November 15, 2001 Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory Department of Chemical Engineering St.Louis, MO 63130
CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY Implementation of CARPT on a Gas-Solid Riser Obtain solids flow mapping in the riser Riser exit - right-angled elbow axis- symmetric disengagement section Preliminary experiments – Validation of a safety protocol for the introduction and recovery of radioactive tracer Measurement of tracer mean recirculation time and the overall solid mass flux CARPT Experiment is feasible to process in our unit Challenge : CARPT in a Pilot-plant set-up
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