Think Smart Saving Energy and Make Environments Green Esti Hariyono Chief Engineer Sofitel Seminyak Bali Jl. Camplung Tanduk, Seminyak Beach, Bali Indonesia PO Box 3384 Denpasar 80033, Bali, Indonesia Tel. : +62 (0) Fax. : +62 (0)
Heat Pump Alternative equipment to produce Hot Water Environmental friendly because not producing carbon dioxides ( C02) Think Smart Saving Energy and Make Environments Green Benefit Less Electric Consumption Produce air cool and can use for other proposed / Office
Monthly Cost Hot Water used Heat Pump Electrics Consumption 14,190 Kwh / Month Electric Cost PLN = Rp 850/ KwH Monthly Energy Cost : 14,190 X 850 = Rp 12,061,500
Monthly Cost Hot Water used Fuel Boiler Electrics Consumption 9,520 Ltr / Month Fuel Cost = Rp 6,500 / Lt Monthly Energy Cost : 9,520 X 6,500 = Rp 61,880,000
BENCHMARKING 1.Property performance and operation : Guest Comment Cards 2.Electricity consumption : KwH per occupied room 3.Water consumption : m3 per occupied room 4.Fuel consumption Guestroom : liter per occupied room Laundry : liter per kg 5. Gas consumption : kg per cover Think Smart Saving Energy and Make Environments Green
Recycle your water by using STP can used for Pound make you garden look Green Re-use recycle water for irrigation Think Smart Saving Energy and Make Environments Green
Month Cost Recycle Water used Sewage Treatment Plan ( STP) Electrics Cost and Chemical : 10,.354,196 / Month Average water produce from Recycle water : 6,000 m3/ Month Cost of City Water / PDAM : 10,500 / m3 1.Irrigation,Pound and gardening using waste water cost / Month : RP.10,354,196 2.Irrigation,Pound and gardening using waste water cost / Month : 6,000 x Rp 10,500 = 63,000,000,-/ Month