Estonia-Japan Business Seminar Eve Päärendson
Content: Estonian Employers´ Confederation & Japan Business services & policy advice of the EU- Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Estonian Employers´ Confederation & Japan: Our own services: Support services for promoting SMEs internationalisation (training, seminars, study visits to Japan, information provision) Policy advice directly and via: EESC – European Economic and Social Committee →EESC Japan Contact Group BUSINESSEUROPE, BIAC EU-JAPAN CENTRE FOR INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION
EESC: Contact Group on Japan: Promotes cooperation between the EESC and business, trade unions, and other major non governmental organisations in Japan, Policy advice Trade relations (EU-Japan FTA) Joint seminars (employment, challenges of ageing societies, CSR, energy policies in the EU and Japan in post-Fuksuhima era, environmental education, prepareness of societies for natural disasters etc) Exchange of lectures, internship opportunities for Japanese students at the EESC etc
OTHER PARTNERS: KEIDANREN KEIZAI DOYUKAI KANKEIREN Chambers in Japan EU INSTITUTES IN JAPAN (universities) EU-JAPAN CENTRE FOR INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION EBC (European Business Council in Japan) JBCE (Japan Business Council in Europe) EAS´ representative in Japan etc
BUSINESSEUROPE EU-Japan collaboration in employment and social field (since 1992): the 14th EU-Japan Symposium on “Improving Employability and Labour Market Participation Among Young People”, July 2012 a EU-Japan FTA EU-Japan Business Round Tables & other regular meetings with Keidanren an Symposium: IMROVING EMPLOYABILITY & LABOUR MARKET PARTICIPATION AMONG YOUNG PEOP The 14th EU-Japan Symposium: IMROVING EMPLOYABILITY & LABOUR MARKET PARTICIPATION AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE
Created in 1987 by the European Commission and Japanese Government, the EU-Japan Centre (EUJC): –Promotes all forms of industrial, trade and investment, scientific cooperation between the EU and Japan; –Strengthens the technological capabilities and the competitiveness of the European industrial system. Its current strategic priorities: –Providing support to SMEs (particularly for their internationalisation); –Addressing post-Fukushima priorities & business opportunities (clean energy, raw materials, construction products, public procurement, etc.) –New areas for EU-Japan Cooperation (e.g. satellite navigation-related industry and services).
Courses see HRTP – for business managers, exporters & investors: gives an integrated in-depth view of Japanese industrial structure & business practices. Next course: May 2013 WCM – for plant/production managers: shows how strategic change and productivity improvements (e.g. through ‘KAIZEN’) can eliminate cost/waste. Next courses: June & October 2013 Cluster missions – for clusters, SMEs : takes SMEs and cluster organisers to Japan to enable them to take part in specific trade fairs. Dates vary by sector Training & Internships for Students : have a Japanese student engineer work with you. See Information Service Info helpdesk & Enterprise Europe Network, Japan –answers Japan-related questions e.g. on industrial, trade and investment cooperation. Contact via EEN Estonia, see Cluster Support & Helpdesk – information service to help EU & Japanese clusters identify potential partners Public Procurement Info Portal – under creation R&D and INNOVATION BUSINESS SERVICES Seminars – on Trade & Investment, Global Challenges (energy, environment, ageing) and on Industrial Policies: Full reports and copies of presentation materials are available online for free. EU-Japan Business Round Table – organising the regulatory reform dialogue between industry and the EU & Japanese Authorities POLICY ADVICE J-BILAT 2 – promoting participation of Japanese researchers in EU-funded projects: The EUJC hopes to promote science and technology cooperation under the EU’s Horizon 2020 framework. – facilitating EU-Asia industrial cooperation on satellite navigation applications and receivers
Close relationship with Eve Päärendson and the EU’s European Economic & Social Committee (Euroopa majandus- ja sotsiaalkomitee) Unfortunately, Estonian participation rates in the Centre’s activities is very low. The EUJC is keen to change that. Contact: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation 52 Rue Marie de Bourgogne, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel , Web.