Few ideas for the future of the collaboration I.laktineh
Disclaimer These are few personal ideas based on past and present experiences. They intend to initiate the discussion to build a strong and active collaboration for the benefits of all
Constitution phase: This phase is the one that precedes the official establishment of the collaboration A small committee made by the initiators of this collaboration (J.Iaselli and I.L) and few experts (P.Fonte, R. Santonico,..) will manage the constitution phase. The committee will supervise and complete the Letter of Interest to be sent to the CERN management. It will redact a MoI draft that defines clearly the contour of the collaboration activities, its goals, its structure and its rules. A letter explaining the field to which the group intends to contribute should be sent to the committee. The letter should be signed by the head of the group’s leader and approved by the group’s institution. Groups to join the collaboration should then sign the MoI.
Collaboration board A board made of the groups representatives (1 per group) will be formed after the official formation of the collaboration. The board will then replace the constitution committee as the decision instance of the collaboration. The board will elect a chairperson for a period of 2 years (not renewable) as well as a a deputy. The role of the board is to define the scientific policy of the collaboration and its organization. The role of the board chairperson (and his deputy) is to ensure the respect of the collaboration rules by the different groups.
Permanent phase: The board chairperson organizes the election of one spokesperson ( or two if the board judges appropriate) The mandate of the spokesperson is 2 years (not renewable). If the board decides to have only one spokesperson a deputy spokesperson is then elected for the same duration as the spokesperson (2 years) The spokesperson should be the interlocutor of the collaboration with the CERN management. The role of the spokesperson is to present the collaboration in the different scientific instances. He/she should promote the activities of the collaboration. The spokesperson and the board chairperson are to represent the collaboration in the administrative instances and the funding agencies.
Collaboration organization The collaboration could be organized in few working groups. The aims of these WG are: Exchanging ideas, knowledge and expertise in the different fields related to the RPC and MRPC detectors. Conducting common R&D. Promoting the utilization of common tools and infrastructure. The tools could be : Simulation code, electronic readout, DAQ… The size of the WG and their activities may evolve in the time and hence the definition and the contour of the WG should not be frozen..
Working Groups WG1: Detector R&D This group should take care of the different R&D on the detector level: high-rate, timing, space precision, large detectors,….
WG2: Detector applications This group should organize the different fields for which the RPC and MRPC are used, proposed, …etc Muon detectors ToF Calorimeters Astro-particle application Medical application Social applications : environment, home security… Working Groups
WG3: Detector phenomenology and simulation This group should organize the simulation and the study of the RPC and MRPC behavior and characteristics. A collaboration with other collaborations (RD51) could be envisaged Working Groups
WG4: Technological challenges and tools This group should take care of the different fields that allow the improvement and the efficient exploitation of the RPC and MRPC detectors: Electronics, gas systems, acquisition, material, mechanics… Working Groups
WG5: Common infrastructure and TB This group should play a pivotal role in helping the different groups to share common infrastructures, tools and to organize common TB. Working Groups
Collaboration life Three important aspects that maintain the collaboration active and attractive Meetings one annual meeting outside CERN 2-3 meetings at CERN this could be organized by the board Papers The collaboration could be very helpful by providing referees for internal notes that could be transformed later into papers This should be considered rather a help than a hurdle This could be organized by the speakers’ bureau Conferences The collaboration could present to the relevant conferences the abstracts relative to the internal notes. (speakers’ bureau)
Conclusion To achieve the scientific goals of our collaboration a good organization is a must. Every group should find its interest in the new collaboration through the benefits it gets from its participation. This also means that each group should share the needed efforts to have a successful and strong collaboration.