Control Systems Design Part URS Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava 2007
User Requirements Specification Purpose Principle Each requirement Specification has to be uniquely referenced in the way to provide a traceability of this specification The requirements has to be testable, verified and validated Each requirements should be understood by both user and supplier as well It is useful to priorise the user requirements specification; essential reqiurements should be highlighted.
User Requirements Specification - Sections Introduction The document author, his authority and for what purpose is the document produced The status of the document Relationship to other documents
User Requirements Specification Overview Background of the project, e.g. previous studies, strategies. Key objectives and benefits Main functions and interfaces Applicable regulation under which the project has to be implemented.
User Requirements Specification Operational Requirements Functions Information on the existing system, manual control of it Required control functions, calculations, algorithm... Performance of control system and timing requirements Action required during failures Safety level Required security
User Requirements Specification Operational Functions Data Definition of the data, valid data ranges and alarm limits Capacity Requirements Access speed Requirements Archive Requirements Data security and integrity.
User Requirements Specification Operational Functions Interfaces Interfaces with users/operators, e.g. plant operator, system manager, administrator... Interfaces with other systems Interfaces with equipment, such as sensors and actuators I/O listings for process control system
User Requirements Specification Operational Functions Environment Layout: the physical layout of the plant or other work place may have an impact on the system, such as long distance links or space limitation, electrical disturbances Physical conditions – dirty, dusty, or sterile environment
User Requirements Specification Operational Functions Constraints Compatibility – this shall take into account existing systems and hardware, and user company strategy or police Availability – this state reliability requirements, and defines any maximum allowable periods of maintenance or other downtime Safety – defines a required level of the safety ISL Maintenance, expansion capability, expected lifetime and long term support.
User Requirements Specification Operational Functions Life Cycle Minimum standards to be met by supplier‘s methodology, procedures for project management and Quality Assurance, mandatory design methods Testing – testing requirements, verification/validity requirements, FAT/SAT requirements Delivery – this subsection defines, what has to be delivered:
User Requirements Specification Operational Functions Life Cycle Delivery How the deliverable items are to be identified In what form deliverables are to supplied Documents – what the supplier is expected to deliver, functional, testing, design specifications, manuals... Data to be prepared or converted Tools Training courses Archiving facilities.
User Requirements Specification Operational Functions Glossary Section This Section contains definitions or explanations of any terms that may be unfamiliar to the readership of the document