© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO ECRI: Partnering With You to Improve the Safety, Quality, and Cost-effectiveness of Healthcare Prepared for Special Libraries Association (SLA) June 8, 2005
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Who we are Nonprofit, international health services research agency promoting the highest standards of safety, quality, and cost effectiveness in healthcare since 1969 What do our resources include? –Membership-based access to Web resources, databases, research reports, periodicals, guides, directories –Consultation services and special projects Around the world, who relies on ECRI’s services? –Hospitals and health systems, health plans, and insurers –Government agencies, legal and regulatory professionals –Medical device manufacturers
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Independent, unbiased information To ensure the integrity of our findings, ECRI and its staff abide by strict conflict of interest guidelines: No financial interest in the sale of any medical technology No royalties, gifts, finders’ fees, or commissions from the medical device or pharmaceutical industries No ownership of stock in, or consulting work for, organizations in such industries
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Credentials and affiliations Evidence-Based Practice Center (EPC) –Designated by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) as one of 13 EPCs –Guides Medicare and other insurers in making national coverage decisions Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization –Center for excellence supporting research on patient safety, healthcare technology, and risk management
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Credentials and affiliations Developer of Web-Based Clearinghouses –National Quality Measures Clearinghouse™National Quality Measures Clearinghouse –National Guideline Clearinghouse™National Guideline Clearinghouse –QualityTools™QualityTools™ Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System™ –ECRI’s proprietary classification system –Used by 5,000 facilities worldwide
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO ECRI Core Capabilities Technology Decision-making Evidence-based resources, recommendations, and strategic technology planning assistance Quality and Patient Safety Risk management, hazards and recalls, problem reports, care standards and guidelines The most comprehensive range of healthcare resources available…from one trusted source. Procurement Assistance Product evaluations, ratings, specifications, recommendations, negotiation assistance, and more
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Technology Decision-making How do we develop our perspectives and recommendations? 35 years of healthcare technology expertise including laboratory and field evaluations of devices Comprehensive literature searches Proprietary research and data analysis methodology Extensive internal and external advisory board review Member requests strongly influence topics selected for review Overview
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO How can evidence-based technology assessments inform care and coverage decisions? HTAIS Evidence-based evaluations of medical devices, drugs, and procedures Searchable, continually-updated online content Customized Hotline responses and assistance available when you need it
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO How can you make decisions about tomorrow’s technologies, today? Forecast Continually-updated, online information Proprietary Technology Impact Radar™ shows expert consensus on utilization, time to adoption, and financial, health, and process impact ECRI’s perspectives & predictions on hundreds of emerging technologies in dozens of clinical service areas
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO TARGET Online database of evidence- based reports on emerging and newly-available drugs, devices and procedures Each short-form, evidence-based TARGET report highlights key issues for planning, procurement, investment, and reimbursement Browse for new topics by technology class, clinical category, or medical specialty. How can you make evidence-based decisions about newly-available technologies?
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Procurement Assistance Overview How do we develop our ratings and guidance? Centralized repository of purchasing data from hospitals around the country In-house testing laboratories Procurement and negotiation expertise Hazard and recall information from a wide variety of sources Accept no manufacturer advertising or sponsorships
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO SELECTplus™ How can you get the best value for your capital equipment investments? Access a wide variety of online resources and reports Customized capital equipment advisory services Request custom reports and recommendations tailored to your facility’s needs
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO How can you benchmark the best prices paid for capital equipment? SELECTplus ECRI’s real time PricePaid Database shows average and low prices paid for medical devices. This database is populated by member hospitals sending us data directly. Detailed information is provided for the last 10 transactions showing model configurations for easier comparisons.
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO How can you negotiate the best price and service contract for capital equipment? SELECTplus Custom Quotation Analysis shows average discount for recent purchases of this model based on ECRI’s real time PricePaid Database ECRI’s negotiation experts recommend key points to negotiate ECRI evaluates whether the equipment will meet your facility’s needs—now and in the future
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Which models are safest and most cost-effective? Health Devices System Brand-name comparative evaluations, ratings, and guidance on the safety, cost- effectiveness, and effectiveness of medical devices and technologies Detailed, specific purchasing and service recommendations Published monthly; 10 years of back issues available online Based on ECRI’s expert laboratory and in-hospital testing
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO How can you safely and quickly resolve hazards and recalls? Health Devices Alerts The world’s most comprehensive international database of recalls, hazards, product safety alerts, and reported problems Each week, ECRI s new Alerts right to your in-box ECRI verifies all content and adds action priorities and recommended next steps
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO Which models have the features your facility needs? HPCS Create customized, printable comparison charts showing features and specifications for easy side-by-side comparison Do the models you selected meet ECRI’s recommended specifications for your performance needs? Current specifications for thousands of models in hundreds of categories Standardized UMDNS terminology
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO How can you quickly and easily locate manufacturer information? Health Devices International Sourcebase Search by supplier or device, and filter results by geographic area Comprehensive, continually- updated, searchable online database of more than 14,000 US and international suppliers Names and complete contact information for each supplier, including web sites and addresses
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO How can you benchmark prices paid for medical/surgical supplies and implantable devices? PriceGuide PriceGuide database includes more than 200,000 line items! Benchmark your hospital’s supply pricing against facilities nationwide— and see where to negotiate better deals with current suppliers
© 2005 ECRI.MONTAGNOLO For more information… Tony Montagnolo, Executive VP/COO Call +1 (610) , Visit