Company Overview – That Was Fast! Mission – That Was Fast! will offer end-to-end traffic management solutions to law enforcement agencies and toll road management companies in the US. Concept –Services will range from servicing parking, speeding and toll ticket billing systems, to a system that involves sourcing hardware to detect violations, hardware installation and total management of the ticketing systems.
Problem Consequences Associated with Speeding -Public Safety Concerns -Damages -Public Image Consequences in Using Manned Speeding Systems -Resources detracted from other departments -Possibility of staff injuries -Restricted areas of speed patrolling
Service Offered Parking Management Program -Creates compliance through convenient payment options, efficient ticket issuance, and optimized collections. Hardware and Installation -Equipment outsourced to customer and installed by trained service members Video-Based Toll Management Application -Partnership with MindTree -Add-on option to standard service -Geared towards city traffic departments
Market Need US Highway Patrol Driving Citation Statistics Total Number of People per day that receive speeding tickets1,000,000 Total Annual number of People who receive speeding tickets41 million Total Percentage of drivers that will get a speeding ticket this year16% Total Cost of Average Speeding Ticket$150 Total paid in speeding tickets per year6 billion Total Number of people who won’t contest speeding ticket95% Total Number of Licensed Drivers in America today196 million
Industry Overview and Market Analysis There are 196,000 licensed drivers in the U.S There are 100,000 speeding tickets issued per day in the U.S The average speeding ticket costs $ Over 5.4 Billion dollars of tickets issued per year Table U.S Department of Transportation (National Highway Safety Administration)
Competition Speed Violation Detection Yes No Auto ticketing Yes NoYes Auto payment system Yes NoYes Devices added to existing infrastructure YesNoYesNo Website (coordinating services) Yes
Marketing Strategy Internet Marketing -47% rely on internet for business research -Website -Purchase of keywords and ad space -Social media pages (Facebook, Twitter) Marketing -Customized campaigns for different targeted market segments Customer Referral Program -Offer referral program to clients for enablement of word-of-mouth marketing
Advertising Strategy Billboards Customer Referrals Campaigns Internet and Newspaper Ads Vehicle Advertising
Resources Radar Hardware -Begin with 50 pieces of equipment -Add 10 per year Staff -Team of Developers -Customer Service Representatives -Service Department -Marketing Office Space -Rent space offering free rent discounts -Use parking space at facility for vans Website -Information, portal to services
Timeline 2013 Date Description 5-Jan That Was Fast, Inc. meets for the first time in a corner of the House chamber in the Capitol, business plans will be reviewed. 1-Feb Commission conducts its first public meeting and approves a department structure of six divisions with headquarters. 12-Jun Highway Commission increases the speed limit to 75 mph. 12-Oct The department moves to a new state office building Date Description 13-Jan Federal highway funding for Texas is restored granting That Was Fast, Inc. access to toll roads. 3-Mar That Was Fast, Inc. and NTTA became partners. 17-May That Was Fast, Inc. installed ticketing devices to all NTTA machines. 1-Sep That Was Fast, Inc. First batch of tickets were sent out. 11-Oct Warnings for not paid tickets were mailed.
Financial Plan – Startup Costs Startup Budget CostNotes Salaries $ 36, One month of 5 at $37.5K and 10 installation technicians at $25K for year 1 Capital Requirements $ 800, Inventories $450K, 10 vehicles at $350K for installing and maintening equiment Other Operating/Admin Expenses $ 60, $1,200 for 12 months plus 1200 for security deposit for 4,000 sq ft warehouse and office space Total$ 898,733.33
Financial Plan – First Year Forecast First Year Forecast 2013 Sales ForcastJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune Citations Issued 110, , , , , ,940 Revenues from services $ 831,900 $ 300,675 $ 295,950 $ 283,600 $ 272,075 $ 304, Sales ForecastJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Citations Issued 115, , , , , ,640 Revenues from services $ 288,825 $ 263,625 $ 288,875 $ 307,725 $ 272,625 $ 279, Sales ForecastTotal Citations Issued 1,374,090 Revenues from services $ 3,989,825
Financial Plan STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year 1 TotalYear 2 TotalYear 3 Total Beginning Cash on Hand $ 60,000 $ 4,049,825 $ 8,438,633 Net Change $ 3,989,825 $ 4,388,808 $ 4,827,688 Ending Cash on Hand $ 4,049,825 $ 8,438,633 $ 13,266,321 BALANCE SHEET Year 1 TotalYear 2 TotalYear 3 Total Total Assets $ 800,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,200,000 Total Liabilites $ 600,000 $ 540,000 $ 480,000 Total Equities $ 200,000 $ 460,000 $ 720,000 INCOME STATEMENT Year 1 TotalYear 2 TotalYear 3 Total Sales $ 3,989,825 $ 4,388,808 $ 4,827,688 Operating Expenses $ 472,500 $ 519,750 $ 571,725 Net Income $ 3,517,325 $ 3,869,058 $ 4,255,963
Funding And Offering That Was Fast! Requires $900,000 -Bank $600,000 -Founders $300,000
That Was Fast!!!