Phylum Porifera
Sponge Cells - Function Pore cells Osculum Choanocytes (Collar Cells) Amoebocytes Spicules Internal cavity (spongocoel)
Water Movement A sponge’s life depends on it! Why is it so important? Feeding Oxygen Waste Reproduction
Reproduction Sexual Sperm exits sponge through osculum Enters another sponge and fertilizes an egg Asexual small buds break off Form new sponge clones Can regenerate
Sperm exiting the top of this sponge youtube video youtube video
Sponge Protection Skeleton Spongin (protein) Spicules (Calcium carbonate or Silicon dioxide) Gemmules (dormancy) Food-filled balls of amebocytes Protective coating Survive harsh conditions
Glass Sponge (Japanese Flower Basket)
End of Porifera Correct worksheet on Cnidarians
Three Classes 1) Hydrozoa – Hydra * Polyp + Medusa 2) Scyphozoa (cup) – Jelly Fish * Medusa 3) Anthozoa (flowering) – Anemonies, Coral * Polyps
Commonalities Polyp or Medusa Stage Cnidocytes
Cnidocytes – Key Features Single use cells How do they fire?
Chacteristics of Cnidarians: Called Colenterates means" hollow gut” ShapeBody PartsReproduce Polyp Tentacles MedusaNematocysts Gastrovascular Cavity Asexual Sexual Hermaphrodites
Class Hydrozoa pg 446 Diagram Most of life is as a polyp Short medusa phase Live in colonies MostlyMostly Sessile
Reproduction Asexual – Warm Weather Budding Sexual – Cold Weather Sperm fertilizes egg Develops into a ball of cells with a hard cover, protects until spring
Hydroid lifecycle
End Of Hydrozoa
Class Scyphozoa Jellyfishes Bell or Cup shaped (MEDUSA) All have venom but not all can hurt people Have a LONG Medusa phase Motile
Aurelia Life Cycle
Box Jelly Fish
Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
Feeding How do you think it feeds?
Class Anthozoa Means flowering animal Ex sea anemones, coral
Sea Anemonies
Guess How They Feed!? When do they feed?
Symbiotic Relationship
Brain Coral
Symbiotic Relationship Algae + Coral Source of O 2 for Coral Source of Nutrients for Algae Warm, Shallow, Clear Waters
Coral Soft and hard (calcium based skeleton) Small polyps that live in colonies During day, look like hard shells Feed at night Extend out their tentacles
Dormant Sun Coral
Sun Coral Feeding at Night
Reproduction Sexual Asexual
Reefs When corals die, their hardened skeletons remain, creating reefs
Types of Reefs Fringing Barrier Atoll
Coral grows close to the shoreline
Coral reef further out from shore
Way out in ocean, formed over volcanos or mountains under the water