I can explain how physical, intellectual, emotional, and social changes help you achieve certain developmental tasks I can identify ways to show responsibility at home and at school I can explain how independence is achieved
Adolescence: stage between childhood & adulthood Developmental Tasks: certain skills & behavior patterns that normally develop Growth Spurts: rapid periods of growth Hormones: changes are caused by chemicals in your body known as hormones Emotions: feelings about people & events in your life
Learn to accept changes in your body Select & prepare for a career Achieve emotional independence Learn to get along with peers Acquire a set of standards that guide your behavior Learn what behavior will be expected in adult roles Accept responsibility Become independent of adults
Physical changes: occurs as your body grows & matures Intellectual changes: takes place when you learn about the world around you Emotional changes: affect how you feel about situations and how you express those feelings Social changes: occurs as you meet more people & learn how to get along with them
Youth Gang Membership Grows at alarming rate!!! Why do some teens join gangs? How are gangs destructive to the individual and to the community? What are some positive alternatives to gangs?
Adolescence usually lasts from age 11 to 17 Girls stop growing at around 15, guys stop around 17
The ability to reason & solve problems develops between 13 & 15 80% of adult intellect has been developed at age 8!!
Peers: people the same age as you Roles: pattern of expected behavior Responsibilities: duties or jobs you must carry through Independence: those who are responsible for their own actions
Workout (running, biking, skating, walking) Write it down Talk your problems out
Makes you feel good Fun being with friends & family Love Expressing your emotions with someone else
Your feelings may become more intense than they’ve ever been before Talking in front of the class & worrying about your appearance Negative Emotions: anger, jealousy, envy, fear Positive Emotions: Love, affection, joyful, excited
Decide what is important to you Focus on your values, ideas, & morals before you belong to a group During Adolescence, interest in members of the opposite sex takes on a new meaning
Gather pictures from magazines or even photos of yourself Find at least 5 vocabulary words to put on your collage Make a collage of things all about you! Favorites: color, season, music, food, number, etc. Dislikes, sports teams, things unique to you Present to the class!!!