Chapter 5, Lesson 1 A New Faith It Matters Because: Islam is one of the most widely-practiced religions in the world today. About 25% of people in the world are Muslims
I. Arabia A. Arabian Peninsula is home of Arab people & Islamic religion 1. Most of peninsula is desert, with scattered oases B. How did the desert climate affect Arab life? 1. Communities were isolated, but trade was important 2. Desert protected Arab culture from invasion by Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Rome
I. Arabia C. Arabs were nomads, herders & tent-dwellers 1. Traveled from oasis to oasis D. Arab life could be violent & dangerous E. Formed tribes, competed for resources 1. Tribes battled each other for land, water, livestock 2. Enjoyed camel & horse races, other tests of strength & skill that enhanced their skill as warriors
II. Arab Life A. By 500s, Arabs settled around oases, fertile valleys 1. Set up villages to farm & trade B. Merchants traveled village to village 1. Traveled in groups called caravans for protection from Arab raiders 2. Caravan - group of traveling merchants & animals
II. Arab Life C. Towns began to grow along trade routes D. Mecca became major crossroads of trade 1. Mecca also an important religious site 2. The Kaaba located in center of Mecca a. Low building surrounded by images of Arab gods & goddesses b. Most important was Allah, creator god
III. Muhammad A. Trade routes in Arabian peninsula grew 1. Arab people exposed to new cultures B. Islam developed, early 600s based on teachings of Muhammad 1. merchant, trader, warrior troubled by greed of Mecca’s wealthy 2. despised their dishonesty & disregard for the poor C. In 610, according to tradition, Mhmd received a vision 1. Commanded to preach Islam 2. Islam - surrender to the will of Allah
III. Muhammad D. Mhmd returned to Mecca, preached only Allah should be worshipped 1. All are equal in Allah’s sight, rich should share with poor 2. Allah would reward the just & punish evildoers E. Mhmd won support of the poor, the rich feared Mhmd was trying to destroy their wealth & authority F. In 622, Mhmd feared for his own safety & fled Mecca 1. Settled in Yathrib, people accepted Mhmd & his message 2. Mhmd made self ruler of Yathrib 3. Yathrib renamed Medinah, the “city of the prophet”
IV. The Islamic State Mhmd was a skilled leader 1. Enacted Islamic laws to govern all areas of life 2. Used power to advance Islam 3. Required loyalty to Islamic state above families & tribes a. loyalty to Islam ended tribal fighting, united Arab people B. Formed an army, took Mecca, declared it a holy city C. Mhmd attacked & conquered entire Arabian peninsula before his death in 632
V. Islamic Beliefs Like Jews & Christians: 1. Muslims are monotheists 2. Believe God gives laws & judges man 3. Believe God speaks to man through prophets a. prophet - a man who speaks for God B. Mhmd is last & greatest of the prophets C. Holy book is known as the Quran
VI. The Quran A. According to Muslim belief, Mhmd received messages from Allah for 20+ years B. Messages not written down until after Mhmd’s death 1. Messages became the Quran - Islamic holy book C. The Quran teaches: 1. Honesty, fair treatment & kindness to neighbors 2. Respect to parents & elders
VII. The Five Pillars of Islam A. Islam stresses obedience to the will of Allah B. Muslims believe in The Five Pillars: 1. Belief - there is no god but Allah & Mhmd is his messenger 2. Prayer - five times a day 3. Charity - giving 2.5% of one’s wealth to the poor 4. Fasting - during month-long festival of Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage - known as the hajj ; all Muslims must journey to Mecca at least once in his or her lifetime
VIII. Shari’ah Law Over centuries, Islamic scholars created the shari’ah code of law 1. Based on the Quran 2. Governs all aspects of Islamic life - belief, business, family life, etc. 3. Muslims may not gamble, eat pork, drink alcohol