Welcome to the St Barnabas C of E Primary School Information Sharing Event Thursday 4 th December, 2008
Overview of this event Short presentation Informal chance to look around the stalls, speak to people on a basis, write your questions and comments on the board Q&A session where the main questions raised will be answered
What is being suggested? North Somerset Council is proposing that St Barnabas C of E Primary School closes on 31 st August, 2009
Why consider Closing the school ? Despite many actions to try and maintain a sustainable school structure, pupil numbers have fallen to the point where the financial pressures the school is under means that it can no longer maintain standards of education without significant additional resources which the Council does not have.
Alternatives Representatives from schools in Portishead and Diocesan and Council officers have looked to see whether St. Barnabas C of E Primary School could be kept open by making changes with and at other schools in Portishead. Despite an immense desire to work collaboratively towards a solution, the financial pressures low pupil numbers bring continues to place unreasonable risks on other schools
School Places North Somerset Council has a policy of maintaining between 5% & 7% surplus places across its schools The DCSF require Local Authorities to review provision at schools operating at more than 25% surplus places The DCSF also require us to expand schools which, due to the demand for places, are considered ‘popular’
Pupil projections The way in which North Somerset Council projects pupil numbers takes into account many factors such as: GP Registrations Existing pupils moving year groups Out of area movement New Housing Developments Further information is shown on the ‘stand’
Choice of School Local Authorities are expected to offer a range of schools for parents to choose from (Community, Voluntary Aided, Voluntary Controlled) Parents can express a preference for any school of their choice and the local authority is required to comply with that preference if the school has sufficient places (having applied appropriate rules) Transport to the preferred school is not automatic and is subject to transport rules
What will happen to the children ? We will work to ensure that during this period of change any disruption to pupils’ education is minimised as much as possible If the decision is made to close the school, the Local Authority will consider applications for alternative schools and, wherever possible, allocate a place at that school
What will happen to the children ? We are very aware that if St Barnabas C of E Primary School closes, that current Year 5 pupils would experience a change of school 2 years running We are working hard with local schools to determine what arrangements can be made for this group of pupils in order to minimise disruption at this important stage
Standards Standards at St Barnabas are good Standards are good in Portishead schools Parents value a small school atmosphere Support for transition
Human Resources Rachel Grandfield Human Resources Senior Adviser Human Resources are responsible for: providing advice and support to the Governing Body and Schools Leadership team on all relevant staffing matters. This could include: guiding the school through the staff consultation process the team can also provide a link to the Professional Associations and Trade Unions for any required consultation.
Governor Services Christine Hustwick Governor Services Manager Jacci Ramplin Governors Services Officer North Somerset Governor Services will offer support and guidance to the governing bodies, advising on the necessary procedures for: managing change working to ensure that high standards of leadership and management are maintained during periods of change
Finances The strategic schools forum have agreed additional financial support for St Barnabas school If the decision is made to close the school w.e.f 31st August 2009, additional support will continue to ensure that the existing class structure can be maintained until closure. The CYPS Finance team will continue to provide assistance to the school and will support in the final close down of the accounts if agreed.
Diocese of Bath & Wells The Diocesan Board of Education has been fully appraised of the situation and will fully review the consultation responses The terms of the trust deed allow for the ongoing use of the school to support education and families in the community
What next ? The first stage of the consultation process will end at 4.00pm on Friday 19 th December, 2008 This event is part of that process Your comments are needed so that the Council can decide the way forward
What do you need to do now? We want your views and questions. Please : speak to people at the stands write your comments and questions on the board