T. ERICSON Conference – 1st period
SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR CLASS TI 89 or comparable Calculator Binder for Notes and Examples Pencil/Paper
Notes This year – due to copy/paper restrictions – you will print out your own copy of the notes for each chapter. Refer to my blog: to view class calendar. Bring notes to class so we can discuss material, work example problems, etc.
CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR Any behavior that prevents me from teaching you or keeps your fellow students from learning is unacceptable and will be dealt with on an individual basis. Be ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings and please look at the agenda that will be posted daily. Proper care and respect for classroom and laboratory facilities will be expected. Water bottles only allowed in classroom (no food or other drinks please!)
GRADES Average will be determined by 50% Daily Grades – examples of daily grades include labs, quizzes, and homework (will explain HW grade on next slide). I will have a minimum of 6 daily grades per nine weeks, but I usually have more. 50% Major Grades – the majority of major grades will be tests. We usually have 3 or 4 tests per nine week grading period. Semester Average- 1 st (or 3 rd ) nine weeks grade = 42.5%, 2 nd (or 4 th ) nine weeks grade = 42.5%, Sem exam = 15% Sem exam = 15%
HW GRADE You will have one HW grade each nine weeks which will count as a daily grade. I will stamp your calender every day and at the end of the nine weeks collect it for one daily grade. Homework stamps are awarded based on completion. ¾ or more of assignment completed = One stamp Less than ¾ of assignment completed = ½ stamp If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check with me when you return to see if I did a HW check for your class period. If you do not – no points awarded if HW check is missed and not made up.
ABSENCES, MAKE-UP WORK If you are absent, it is your responsibility to checkwww.rangerbccalculus.blogspot.com and determine what you missed and to complete any work that is due. Late work receives a penalty of 30% for one day late and no credit if late by more than one day.
Absences, Make-up Work (cont) If you are absent on a test day or before a test day, you can take the same test within one day as scheduled with me. If this is not possible, you must arrange with me a mutual time for taking a make-up test.
Tardies Be on time to class!!!!! You will be written up if you have 3 tardies in a nine week grading period !!!
AP TEST Date of BC Calculus Exam – Wed. May 8, 2012 (Morning Exam) It is expected that all BC Calculus students take the AP exam.
BC Calculus Results – 2012 2012 Nat. Statistics:Pass rate = 82.8% Ave score = 3.89 2011 Nat. Statistics:Pass rate = 80.1% Ave score = 3.76 2012 CHS, 98 students took the exam.Pass rate = 100% Average score = 2011 CHS 95 students took the exam. Pass rate = 99%. Average score = 4.853
BC Calculus Results – 2012 Score Distributions 5’s: 8584 4’s: 11 9 3’s: 2 1 2’s: 0 1 (*) Received AB Credit 1’s: 0 0
ABOUT ME I have taught for a total of 23 years at Clements. This is my 4 th year teaching AP Calculus. I am married to Mrs. Ericson (who teaches AP Chemistry) and we have 4 children – ranging in age from 10 to 17. I also coach the Clement’s Men’s soccer team.