CELEBRATE JESUS, JESUS DON MOEN. Ce – le - brate Jesus, celebrate!


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Presentation transcript:


Ce – le - brate Jesus, celebrate!

He is risen! And He lives forevermore!

He is risen! Come on and celebrate The resurrection of the Lord

Ce – le - brate Jesus, celebrate!

He is risen! And He lives forevermore!

He is risen! Come on and celebrate The resurrection of the Lord

Come on and celebrate (3x) The resurrection of the Lord


Cause early Sunday morning Just like Jesus said

He broke the curse of sin and death And He rose up from the dead

Now we have a new beginning And a Kingdom that has no ending Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Hallelujah, Jesus is alive Death has lost its victory And the grave has been denied

Jesus lives forever He’s alive, He’s alive

He’s the Alpha and Omega The first and last is He The curse of sin is broken We have perfect liberty

The lamb of God is risen He’s alive, He’s alive

He is the Author And the finisher of our faith

The stone they threw away Is the cornerstone today

Death has no more victory And the grave has no more stain Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Wonderful Counselor A mighty God is He The everlasting Father He’s the precious Prince of peace

He’s the word that lives forever He’s alive, He’s alive

Hallelujah, Jesus is alive Death has lost its victory And the grave has been denied

Jesus lives forever He’s alive, He’s alive

He’s the Alpha and Omega The first and last is He The curse of sin is broken We have perfect liberty

The lamb of God is risen He’s alive, He’s alive

Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe Yes Lord, I believe You’re alive in me

I’m gonna shout aloud to the rock The rock of my salvation Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe

I believe the tomb is empty Coz I know my heart is full Of the glory and the wonder of Your name

I believe the power that raised You Is alive in me right now And the joy within my heart Can’t be contained

Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe Yes Lord, I believe You’re alive in me

I’m gonna shout aloud to the rock The rock of my salvation Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe

I believe the tomb is empty Coz I know my heart is full Of the glory and the wonder of Your name

I believe the power that raised You Is alive in me right now And the joy within my heart Can’t be contained

Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe Yes Lord, I believe You’re alive in me

I’m gonna shout aloud to the rock The rock of my salvation Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe

I believe the tomb is empty Coz I know my heart is full Of the glory and the wonder of Your name

I believe the power that raised You Is alive in me right now And the joy within my heart Can’t be contained

Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe Yes Lord, I believe You’re alive in me

I’m gonna shout aloud to the rock The rock of my salvation Yes Lord, yes Lord I believe


Only by grace can we enter, Only by grace can we stand

Not by our human endeavor, But by the blood of the Lamb

Into Your presence You call us, You call us to come

Into Your presence You draw us, And now by Your grace we come

Lord, if You mark our transgressions, Who would stand?

Thanks to Your grace, We are cleansed By the blood of the Lamb!

Lord, if You mark our transgressions, Who would stand?

Thanks to Your grace, We are cleansed By the blood of the Lamb!

Only by grace can we enter, Only by grace can we stand

Not by our human endeavor, But by the blood of the Lamb

Into Your presence You call us, You call us to come

Into Your presence You draw us, And now by Your grace we come

Lord, if You mark our transgressions, Who would stand?

Thanks to Your grace, We are cleansed By the blood of the Lamb!

Lord, if You mark our transgressions, Who would stand?

Thanks to Your grace, We are cleansed By the blood of the Lamb!

Lord, if You mark our transgressions, Who would stand?

Thanks to Your grace, We are cleansed By the blood of the Lamb!


Lord, I stand in the midst of a multitude Of those from every tribe and tongue

We are your people, redeemed by Your blood; Purchased from death by Your love

There are no words good enough to thank You; There are no words to express my praise

But I will lift up my voice And sing from my heart With all of my strength

Hallelujah, Hallelujah to the Lamb

Hallelujah, By the blood of Christ we stand

Every tongue, every tribe, Every people, every land

Giving glory, giving honor, Giving praise unto the Lamb of God

Lord we stand by grace in Your presence Cleansed by the blood of the Lamb

We are Your children called by Your name Humbly we bow and we pray

Release Your power To work in us and through us

Till we are changed to be more like You Then all the nations will see Your glory revealed and worship You

Hallelujah, Hallelujah to the Lamb

Hallelujah, By the blood of Christ we stand

Every tongue, every tribe, Every people, every land

Giving glory, giving honor, Giving praise unto the Lamb of God

Every knee shall bow Every tongue confess That You are Lord of all!

Hallelujah, Hallelujah to the Lamb

Hallelujah, By the blood of Christ we stand

Every tongue, every tribe, Every people, every land

Giving glory, giving honor, Giving praise unto the Lamb of God

Hallelujah, Hallelujah to the Lamb

Hallelujah, By the blood of Christ we stand

Every tongue, every tribe, Every people, every land

Giving glory, giving honor, Giving praise unto the Lamb of God


Thank You for the Cross, The mighty Cross

That Christ Himself Should die for such as us

And everyday we’re changed Into Your image more and more

Yes, by the Cross We’ve truly been transformed

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise

That You should save us At such a cost

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise For the power of the Cross

Thank You for the Cross, The mighty Cross

That Christ Himself Should die for such as us

And everyday we’re changed Into Your image more and more

Yes, by the Cross We’ve truly been transformed

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise

That You should save us At such a cost

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise For the power of the Cross

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise

That You should save us At such a cost

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise For the power of the Cross

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise For the power of the Cross

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise

That You should save us At such a cost

And we’re so amazed And we give You praise For the power of the Cross