Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee – 20 October 2011 Modernisation of Payments Lambpit Street Cash Office Closure
The Project Review Lambpit street Main Cash Office Closure 1.Project started in November 2009 with a report to Financial Scrutiny Committee, approved by Executive Board Oct 2010 with the Main Cash Office closing on 31 March During this period we also have promoted alternative methods of payment such Direct Debit, Payment cards, Telephone payments (Staffed or automatic) or Internet payments.
Since closure ! Lambpit Street Cash Office Changes 1 April The Main cash Office Counter was closed The back office function was left and renamed the Income Office to deal with all the other payments such as: Schools, Social services, Leisure, Petty Cash etc. Grants and payments direct to the bank account G4S security company Take payment over the phone Process cheques received in the Post. Provide advice and help to other areas of the council on banking and collection matters. The Collection Manager remained in place until the 30 June 2011 to help the closure of the accounts for
Since Closure ! Support for Contact Wrexham 1.The Income Officers have continued to call at the Contact each day to count and bank the cash collected in the payment machines. 2.An additional officer from the Income office was available full time at Contact Wrexham from the 1 April to 31 July to: To Show people how to use the payment machines Assist with the completion of application forms for direct debits or a payment cards. Helping people with payment via the internet and automatic telephone system. 3.This officer has now been withdrawn from the 1 August as the vast majority of people have become use to the machines. However a person is available on a adhoc basis as and when needed. 4.The authority continues to promote the use of direct debits and other efficient methods of payment.
SUMMARY 1.The Cash Office Closed on time. 2.Help has been provided during the change 3.Those customers who still wish to pay by cash have selected to pay by the payment machines in Contact Wrexham or are using a payment card at the local shops or post offices. 4.Others have chosen an alternative method of payment 5.Number of cash payments has continued to fall
Method of Payment Review Any Questions