Moist processes involved in IOP13 and IOP16. Fanny DUFFOURG Olivier NUISSIER Christine LAC CNRM-GAME / Météo-France & CNRS HyMeX ST-WV meeting, Toulouse, France, 15 May 2014
2/8 - HyMeX ST-WV meeting - F. Duffourg - Toulouse, France, 15 May Objectives and methodology Two objectives: Understanding the moist processes involved in the triggering and organisation of the precipitating systems and their interactions with the ambient flow. Evaluation of their representation in the numerical simulations. Analysis of the precipitating systems observed during HyMeX SOP1 IOPs 13 and 16: Numerical simulations with Meso-NH Identification of the moist processes Validation of the simulation and the processes identified against the extended HyMeX observational dataset
3/8 - HyMeX ST-WV meeting - F. Duffourg - Toulouse, France, 15 May IOPs studied: IOP13 & IOP16 IOP13 – 14/10/2012: Heavy precipitation over PACA: ~75mm in 6h inland and ~150mm a few kilometers off-shore the Var department in the afternoon 2 distinct precipitating systems: a supercell and a convective line IOP16 – 26/10/2012: Heavy precipitation: up to 100mm in 6h and ~45mm in 1h 2 precipitating systems : a MCS crossing the Gulf of Lion in the morning and a MCS reaching the Var department in the afternoon IOP13 – 14/10, 18 UTCIOP16 – 26/10, 18 UTC6h-accumulation (1/10mm)
4/8 - HyMeX ST-WV meeting - F. Duffourg - Toulouse, France, 15 May Numerical simulation set-up Simulations with the non-hydrostatic research model Meso-NH: Initialisation and forcing at lateral boundaries with AROME-WMED analyses, forecasts and reanalyses Domain size Resolution of the simulations – 2.5km and 500m in progress Advection scheme, turbulence Very sensitive to all settings Meso-NH simulation domains
5/8 - HyMeX ST-WV meeting - F. Duffourg - Toulouse, France, 15 May First assessment of the quality of the simulations IOP13: oSupercell between 13:00 and 15:30 UTC not reproduced oOther convective systems quite well simulated IOP16: oMCS over the Gulf of Lion not reproduced oMCS moving towards the Var quite well simulated until it reaches the coast IOP13 – 14/10, 17 UTC IOP16 – 26/10, 12 UTC
6/8 - HyMeX ST-WV meeting - F. Duffourg - Toulouse, France, 15 May Comparison with HyMeX observations – IOP13 Levant wind profiler Water vapour mixing ratio from BASIL lidar Simulated radar reflectivities – 14/10, 17 UTC Simulated θ e and horizontal wind at 925hPa – 14/10, 17 UTC OBSERVATIONSOBSERVATIONS SIMULATIONSSIMULATIONS 324 K
7/8 - HyMeX ST-WV meeting - F. Duffourg - Toulouse, France, 15 May Comparison with HyMeX observations – IOP16 Levant wind profiler RASTA cloud radar Simulated radar reflectivities – 26/10, 12 UTC Simulated θ e and horizontal wind at 925hPa – 26/10, 12 UTC OBSERVATIONSOBSERVATIONS SIMULATIONSSIMULATIONS 326 K
8/8 - HyMeX ST-WV meeting - F. Duffourg - Toulouse, France, 15 May Further work Additional Meso-NH simulations with a 500m horizontal resolution : more accurate description of the precipitating systems. Identification of the processes triggering the convection and organising the precipitating systems: sensitivity and impact on the ambient flow, interactions between dynamics and microphysics. Building of the moisture feeding: origin of the water vapour and evolution of the air masses. Comparison with all available observations: In-cloud measurements (RASTA, F20) and 3D radar composites of reflectivity, doppler winds and hydrometeor classification. Ambient flow measurements from lidars, GPS, profilers, radiosoundings, balloons, ATR flights, surface observations,...
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