With Host... Your
Eye Ear Vision HearingBalance Taste
What is the white portion of the eye called? A 100
Scelera A 100
The colored portion of the eye is called the? A 200
Iris A 200
A change in light conditions affects this hole in the eye. A 300
Pupil A 300
Which thin membrane is infected when suffering from pink eye? A 400
Conjunctiva A 400
Which fluid maintain the inner eye pressure and overall shape of the eye? A 500
Vitreous Humor A 500
What is the anatomical name for the eardrum? B 100
Tympanic Membrane B 100
Which portion of the ear allows sound to travel through bone? B 200
Middle Ear B 200
Which structure of the ear interprets sound by movements of fluid pushing on hairs triggering sensors to send signals to the brain? B 300
Cochlea B 300
What is another name for the Eustacian Tube? B 400
Pharyngotympanic Tube B 400
Name the three ossicles in their latin form. B 500
Malleus Incus Stapes B 500
Which eye gland produces to tears to clean and moisturize the eye? C 100
Lacrimal Gland C 100
What is the back of the eye called that contains sensitive nerve cells able to detect light? C 200
Retina C 200
Which nerve cells of the retina can see color? C 300
Cones C 300
Where do the majority of the cones lie within the retina? C 400
Macula C 400
Which eye problem occurs because the cornea of the eye is too thin or too long? C 500
Near-sighted Vision C 500
Which ossicle beats on the cochlea? D 100
Stapes D 100
Which nerve relays the sense of sound to the brain? D 200
Acoustic nerve or Vestibulorcochlear nerve D 200
Movement of fluid behind the oval window is absorbed by the _____ window on the other end of the cochlea. D 300
Round Window D 300
What tube helps equalize the pressure between the middle ear and the outside environment? D 400
Eustacian Tube or Pharyngotympanic Tube D 400
What is the sensory organ for hearing? D 500
Organ of Corti D 500
Which ear structure is responsible for our sense of rotational acceleration or deceleration? E 100
Semicircular Canals E 100
Which portion of the ear is responsible for our sense of horizontal displacement? E 200
Utricle E 200
Which portion of the ear is responsible for our sense of vertical displacement? E 300
Saccule E 300
What are all the structures used for our sense of equilibrium called? E 400
Vestibular Apparatus E 400
The “rocks” of the inner ear are made of which material? E 500
Calcium carbonate E 500
Our tongue is responsible for which of our special senses? F 100
Taste F 100
F 200 These type of people are known to have more taste buds than others.
Supertasters F 200
True or False? “There are specific areas of the tongue for each sense of taste.” F 300
False: All taste buds equally distributed. F 300
Name the four major types of taste buds. F 400
Sweet Sour Bitter Salty F 400
What is the anatomical name for tastebuds? F 500
Papillae F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Ear Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
What is the anatomical name for the “rocks” in the vestibular apparatus? Click on screen to continue
Otoliths Click on screen to continue
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